Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Spaceship 14: Constellation-class

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Foxy's Avatar Foxy
Super Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Manufacturer: Miraculum State Airforce
Price: N/A

Unfinished version. Will update with every major addition or important fix. Some signs and portal frames may be temporary for a server. Ignore them please if you download schematic.

Includes a modified version of a piston extender, originally concept by: codecrafted

Feedback of all kinds is welcome (criticism, suggestions, questions, etc). No such thing as bad feedback.

HISTORY/PURPOSE OF BUILDING: (this is important)

So a while back, I was downloading alot of other people's airships and spaceships that I thought looked cool just for the heck of it, but after a while I noticed something about most of them: they were all meant to be decorative. by that I mean they all had amazing exteriors but had little to nothing on the insides that really did anything at all... so I finally got tired of all the flashy airships that were just meant to be works of art (don't get me wrong I still think they're awesome and the builders are geniuses) and started wanting one that actually had some interior to it that went beyond a single giant corridor with a few smaller ones branching out. there was literally nothing in some of these that I downloaded
I decided to make my own massive airship spaceship thing, complete with detailed INTERACTIVE interior (it does more than just look pretty). that means Redstone machines, weapon systems, and if I ever install mods like zeppelin/movecraft/etc, deployable ships.

without further ado,


M.A.S. Constellation - A capital ship in my airship armada (yes there are more types of ships that I've made which I haven't bothered uploading). I was going for more basic but not too basic, slightly streamlined-looking exterior, with massively detailed interior. Most of this was built by hand. Very recently after I started this, I got into using mcedit for long flat areas. If only I had gotten used to using that when I was still building the hull T^T (it took forever to do it by hand)

Dimensions=228x180x47 (LxWxH)

So the way I go about doing this is not just freebuilding on the inside. I build most of the main rooms outside the ship first and then put them together like a puzzle on the inside using mcedit. One of the pics I uploaded shows some of the rooms I'm building below the ship. Now you might be thinking, "Why Pixl, won't that still leave a ton of open space after you've put all the cube shaped rooms into the triangle shaped airship?". NO! I have a pretty cool and unique idea (remember that unique part. nobody that I know of has ever done this before in their ship) about what to use the empty space for so it won't be one of those kinds of builds where if you break out of the hallway you'll be able to see the entire interior suspended in a big cavity inside the hull (imo those are just lazy builders for not making use of all the space given by adding a full interior. If you're going to do something, follow it through all the way, as far as you possibly can). Also, instead of only using a main hallway system, which I still am going to, I'm making a system of service tunnels that run throughout the ship [picture of this in gallery]

UPDATE: That idea i was talking about has to do with the Control center I'm building (not added into ship yet) which I probably won't be able to add in until basically everything else is finished

  1. --- 01-0-1-006 Sonic
  2. --- 01-0-1-007 Andante
  3. --- 01-0-1-008 Atlantic
  • Two Persistent-class Corvettes
  1. --- 05-0-1-003 Orion
  2. --- 05-0-1-004 Cantation
  • Five MCcE-02 Eagle dropship (yes five. that blue one doesn't count because it doesn't belong to the same team)
  • Six Rapid-class Light Fighters
  • Three VChf 1.2.5 Cherub Heavy Fighters
  • Three Ignia 2.1.2 Bomber/Light Freighter

(btw those numbers and letters in the names of the ship types actually stand for/mean something and aren't just "random cool things to put in the titles")

What I have built into the ship (might still be working on):

---Onboard Lab (complete with brewing machine)

---2 multi-purpose hangars (main use for a minigame I'm planning) [picture] currently contains 2 Eagle Dropships

---2 Rapid-class Light Fighter hangar tunnels

---1 Cherub Heavy Fighter hangar tunnel

---3 Eagle dropship hangar tunnels

---Launch corridor that will connect to all the hangars. Exits out the back of the ship [picture]

---Freight hangar with 3 Ignia bomber/freighters(one of the hallways on the second floor of this hangar leads to a giant empty space. This will eventually be either Storage or a Brig)

---2 of another medium-sized type of ship (Persistent-class) I built designed so that they are able to completely separate from the main ship and become their own ships (if one of those mods I mentioned earlier is used)

---An intelligence lobby (also going to be part of the minigame previously mentioned) [picture]

---A general lobby which doesn't have much in it yet

---A simulation battlefield room (Confession: the wargames on the UNSC Infinity from Halo 4 is what inspired me to make this part) [picture]

---A large armory for Elite military units [picture]

---An arsenal room for military units other than Elites

---A Nightclub/bar

---2 Flush Ejection tunnels (giant verticle man cannons that can fire player several thousand blocks upward)

---Freight elevator (see additional details for credit)

---A master control room for all those piston doors in the hallways that can block off certain parts of the ship (not completely finished)

---Civilian lodging complex

---A master control room for all those piston doors in the hallways that can block off certain parts of the ship (not completely finished)

---An engine room/engineering

---A cryonics room (because what good sci-fi vessel would be complete without that hypersleep!...I'm fully aware it's pretty generic)

What I am in the process of building outside the ship:

---A Communications/command/control center (you'll see what I mean. I'll upload pics of it specifically when I finish. I have a really cool idea for it)

What I'm planning on building:

---The bridge (obviously)

---Weapon systems (This isn't something I'm just 'planning on'; it's going to happen)

---Escape pod rooms

---More hangars (If I have room)

---Alot of just the general necessities rooms (dorms, restrooms, cafeteria, etc)

---And that other thing I'll use the empty space for which will go unmentioned for a while just incase it ends up not working

I'm not including the rooms being built outside the ship in the schematic for several reasons.

Additional Notes


codecrafted for piston extender concept
CreditSEUS and Sliders Shaders were used in some of the pictures
Progress60% complete

20 Update Logs

Update #20 : by Foxy 01/08/2014 8:14:45 pmJan 8th, 2014

added small biosphere inside
added hallways
added maintenance tunnels under the lab area
several small fixes and changes

Sorry i haven't been updating this. I'm working on a much larger project atm that I probably won't upload for at least a few more months

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12/12/2018 11:56 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
eekee's Avatar
I'm sure building the hull by hand was a pain! I build roads; a 2:1 diagonal is such a nuisance, especially if it's a causeway. I made a very long bridge at a 4:1 diagonal once; had to learn how to use structure blocks just to finish it.

It's a beautiful ship, anyhow. :) It's giving me ideas. :3

Edit: So after writing that, I seem to have had a moment of madness. I decided to build a ship hull with a curvature based on powers of 1.1, rounded. The sequence looks like this, where each number is how far to go back before moving out 1 block:
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17
At least I'm not bored!
the hobnob
07/25/2015 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
the hobnob's Avatar
I have no words.
the hobnob
07/25/2015 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
the hobnob's Avatar
Apart from wow.
05/11/2015 4:55 pm
Level 49 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
I am diamonded this because it's cool and for censorship-ish reasons >.>
04/21/2015 9:19 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Zorg_'s Avatar
I love this one, it is almost like the 'UFO' one thinks of, say, most notably from The X-Files. Love, love, love. :)
10/18/2014 2:57 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
FirmusPiett's Avatar
Looks great, the hull-less shots are a nice touch.
09/03/2014 12:49 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Looks like a simplified Star Destroyer/ Venator
09/08/2014 2:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Raidn's Avatar
Or Peace Million from Gundam Wing
09/03/2014 2:32 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
wasn't what I was going for but several others have said something to that extent
08/05/2014 4:35 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
_Kiwibuilds_'s Avatar
ITS AWESOME but it kinda looks like a giant paper plane
Planet Minecraft


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