Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Maple Grove - Modern Realistic City

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gamed0m's Avatar gamed0m
Level 37 : Artisan Electrician
Maple Grove

This is a city that I started work on about a year ago, and haven't really worked on recently. It's based around a suburban Canadian city, as I started building from the suburbs rather than from the downtown core. At the moment, it contains about:

-20+ full houses (Half with interior)
-Townhouses and attached housing
-Strip stores, and restaurants
-A massive high school
-An office
-Some large buildings
-Other things I forgot to mention

I'd love to work on this when I get more time which I haven't really had much of at the moment. It's actually not that large when I look at it as a whole, but has had a lot put into it for a single builder. Here's a planned picture that I had for it.

Maple Grove - Modern Realistic City Minecraft Map

What I'll most likely be doing is releasing individual builds such as the High School and the Office as they are large enough to stand as their own individual works. Other than that, I'll update this post if I do start to add more builds to it!
Progress5% complete

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