Minecraft Maps / Other

Large Build Battle Map

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Level 1 : New Miner

lobby is at (-103 -10 -4)

When you spawn in the world, you can set things to what you want in the settings room. You can change the team colors and the time limit.

The different team colors are (RED vs BLUE), (BLACK vs WHITE), (PURPLE vs ORANGE), and (GREEN vs YELLOW).

For the time limit, subtraction only works if it doesn't change the tens place. For example if you want to set the time to 25 minutes, you can't do 30mins minus 5mins. If you do this it will break the timer, press the yellow button on the ceiling to reset the time back to 0. You are able to set it to 4 minutes if you do 5mins minus 1mins, as it doesn't affect the tens place.


There are three teams that are created when the game starts and they are assigned to random players: Red, Blue, and Judge.

The two teams that are competing cannot see each other's builds as there is a large bedrock wall blocking the way. The judge can cross the wall at anytime by walking on the pressure plates on either side of it. These pressure plates only work for judges.


Each of the four corners of the arena has a different function.

  (clear stage): deletes everything in the arena.

  (save): creates a backup of the current build.

  (load save): loads the last (save) you made.

  (finish): Lets the server and your opponent know you've finished your build.

The arena will save everything above y=-18. So don't go below, or it won't save it.


Once both teams are finished, their builds are placed in a room where everybody is teleported, and the builds can be viewed.

Whichever team the judge(s) decide did the best building job is awarded with 50 coins and 1 win. The judge will also be awarded with 25 coins.


Enjoy :D
Progress100% complete

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12/30/2023 9:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RENDIEM's Avatar
lobby is at (-103 -10 -4)
Planet Minecraft


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