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TheArqitect's Avatar TheArqitect
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
So what I was doing one day while looking around on Youtube, was thinking man I would love to join a server and just free build and be worry free!, so I looked every where, no luck. So seeing as I have ran a server before decided to make one, WHITELISTED! so I get to pick who gets on and who doesn't... I now have a staff of about 5 people! We have made moderate progress, most of which I have built nearly everything seeing as I cant seem to get everyone into sync. No biggie. Any who I still hope to find some people in the future to possibly bring some epicness to this server! Have fun!

Video: I will be adding videos as the progress continues, I of course rant and carry on about nothing whilst I build, you may hear people or the tv or even some music, you just never know!

No Download.... This is on my Server!
Progress75% complete

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05/25/2012 7:07 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Taco
batman0405's Avatar
where is the download link.
04/30/2012 9:36 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
brodimus's Avatar
can i help?
04/30/2012 9:51 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
TheArqitect's Avatar
Perhaps!, have you done any builds of this sort before?
04/30/2012 9:53 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
brodimus's Avatar
kinda of ill probaly be more inclinded to do farms and shops and mabye houses :)
04/30/2012 9:59 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
TheArqitect's Avatar
I will be having multiple builds going on in the future, this is just something I have been wanting to work on for some small time. Let me think it over and I will get back to you in around 12 hours or so, I need to sleep on it.
04/30/2012 10:13 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
brodimus's Avatar
what have you been wanting to work on?
05/01/2012 12:02 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
TheArqitect's Avatar
Im still working on some of the Castle, and also some Steampunk stuff. If your still interested in joining the server pm me your IGN.
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