Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Københavns Hovedbanegård - Copenhagen Central Station - Denmark, 2023

  • 9,291 views, 17 today
  • 1,028 downloads, 2 today
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Stubbs1's Avatar Stubbs1
Retired Moderator
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Explore the iconic Copenhagen Central Station like never before with our stunning recreation built entirely in Minecraft version 1.19! Whether you're a fan of the original building or simply love immersive virtual experiences, our free download provides hours of fun and discovery. From the intricate brickwork to the towering clock tower, every detail has been faithfully reproduced to capture the essence of this historic landmark. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, you'll be amazed at the level of detail and accuracy we've achieved. So what are you waiting for? Download our Copenhagen Central Station recreation today and start your virtual journey through one of Denmark's most beloved architectural treasures!

Københavns Hovedbanegaard - Copenhagen Central Station
A DreamWanderer & Stubbs Collab!

Hi there!
Today we bring you a build which is very dear to me - partly because I tried to build this once back in 2018 (but failed), and also in part because I pass through this exact station irl, almost every day (good luck guessing what train or bus I use with 14 different train tracks, and 12 different busses departing from this station lol :P ).

Dette er Københavns Hovedbanegård, genskabt i Minecraft.
Det har taget omtrent en hel måneds arbejde hvor jeg Stubbs1 og min gode ven fra USA DreamWanderer har samarbejdet om at få dette til at blive til virkelighed. Det bør dog noteres til dem med et skarpt øje, at dette ikke er en 1:1 fremstilling af stationen. Vi har gjort vores bedste for at gøre det til en så præcis fremstilling af virkeligheden som vi har kunnet, dog med idéen om, at spille på Minecraft's styrker som videospil.

Københavns Hovedbanegård udgør den ene af Danmarks to hovedbanegårde. Samtlige fjerntogs- og de fleste regional forbindelser på Sjælland samt seks ud af syv S-togslinjer passerer gennem Københavns Hovedbanegård.

Stationen benyttes dagligt af 41.500 S-togs- og 62.100 fjerntogs-passagerer, i alt 103.600 togpassagerer per dag. Stationen er dermed Danmarks passagermæssigt næststørste jernbanestation (efter Nørreport Station med 147.000 daglige passagerer).

Den nuværende Københavns Hovedbanegård er den tredje af slagsen i hovedstaden. Den første åbnede 26. juni 1847 og lå vinkelret på den nuværende med udkørsel ad den nuværende Sønder Boulevard. Den anden åbnede i 1864 på den modsatte side af Vesterbrogade, omtrent hvor Palads Teatret ligger nu, og havde udkørsel langs med Gyldenløvesgade. Den nuværende Københavns Hovedbanegård, der blev tegnet af Heinrich Wenck og har udkørsel langs med Ingerslevsgade, åbnede 1. december 1911.

This was built in JAVA Edition version 1.19.3, with Creative mode and World Edit
Click on the characters to visit our PMC profiles

Københavns Hovedbanegård - Copenhagen Central Station - Denmark, 2023 Minecraft MapKøbenhavns Hovedbanegård - Copenhagen Central Station - Denmark, 2023 Minecraft Map

Download the trains, locomotives & bus
Københavns Hovedbanegård - Copenhagen Central Station - Denmark, 2023 Minecraft Map

Need build inspiration?
Check out the 1001 Build Ideas blog!

The download includes both the world files, and the schematic file for this build. Please note that I use adfocus links, as this helps support my work without having to hide it behind a paywall. Is it annoying? Yes. It is. But is it helpful to me as a creator? Also yes - and in the long run, this means more content :D

Hope you enjoy
Have an amazing day!


Abandoned Radio ObservatoryHorseshoe Curve - PennsylvaniaMt. Valley Station (US) 1952

Map version: 1.19 + 1.20 supported

If you want to support me,
feel free to check out my newest blog

507 x 290
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

SEO update : by Stubbs1 04/28/2023 9:11:50 amApr 28th, 2023

Updated SEO / Tags
Added screenshots
Redid the original render
Updated description

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04/11/2024 4:36 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
xDlillexD's Avatar
Imponerende! :)
02/09/2024 6:32 am
He/Him • Level 85 : Elite Pegasus
DreamWanderer's Avatar
Always come back once awhile, just to look at this cool project again :P. Man 10 months ago already =o
02/09/2024 7:30 am
They/Them • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
A lot certainly happens in 10 months haha :P
(10 months later, still no interior lol)
04/30/2023 4:54 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Architect
Peculiar-Gemini's Avatar
A beautiful reminder why I started building in the first place. You've always been in inspiration for me man, and this build stands as a testament to that perspective. Thank you for blessing us with your creativity!
05/01/2023 4:06 am
They/Them • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Thank you so much, and glad to hear that my work inspires :D
04/24/2023 9:53 am
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
DragonsDungeon's Avatar
Godt arbejde! Det er jo svært ikke at holde af den ikoniske bygning, særligt når DSBs forsinkelser ikke kan siges at være en del af den her udgave! Jeg havde engang en "skoletur" hvor vi skulle lave matematik på mønsteret på gulvet af hovedbanegården, hvilket var jævnt forfærdeligt. Mega fan af hvordan I har lavet det mønster, føles virkeligt genkendeligt! Super cool arbejde! :D (Nice med pølsevognen, man kan altid starte med en hotdog og man kan altid slutte med en hotdog)
04/28/2023 9:36 am
They/Them • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Glad for at det er genkendeligt. Det var også vores fokus :D
(Enig, man kan ikke have KBH uden pølsevogne)
04/20/2023 6:29 pm
Level 44 : Master Demolitionist
AbandonmentProject's Avatar
This is beautiful! Nicely done!
04/21/2023 10:24 am
They/Them • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Glad you like it :D
04/15/2023 7:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
GoldenGreg55's Avatar
This is incredible! You are really talented with your work. Sad it doesnt have full interior yet though
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