Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

House In The Woods

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Nick_'s Avatar Nick_
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Hello, all! I'm quite new to Planet Minecraft. My name is Nick, and I'm a good builder (Well, I consider myself a good builder.) and I decided to build this today!

What I've built here is a house, in the woods. It includes a kitchen, dining/living room, bedroom, plenty of books and storage, and an attic. I tried to do a slightly medieval look, but couldn't help myself from making the interior a bit more modern. I'm not sure what to call this, but in my opinion it looks nice. Oh, and to see the rest you'll have to download it.

Please leave a like, or diamond or whatever if you can, and maybe subscribe to me.


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Please download and play it, I hope you all like it.
Progress100% complete

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09/30/2012 10:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
feisty102's Avatar
Hello Nick, nice build. (I dont write these reviews to hurt feelings, just constructive critism)

What I like: 1.) Your discription first off, it's not just " Hi This a wood house hi, bye"

2.) The diffrent types of wood being used. It works well with your surroundings.

3.) The cobblestone support for the part of the house hanging off the cliff. (More realistic touch)

4.) I'm a fan of glass panes.

5.) The balcony gives a more cozy, and safe feeling. Gives me a better view of them dam creepers. (BOOM)

What I dont like: (Remember, just constructive)

1.) It's to simple.

2.) The entry into the house is to plain.

3.) Not enough photos.

Ideas: 1.) Adding steps to roofs makes it more "detailed"

2.) Maybe a small arch way around the door, to give it a more detailed touch.

3.) Adding more detail to your pathway: Fence on both sides? Gravel makes a good path? A archway going about 5 blocks from the path to the door?

4.) Make the balcony a bit bigger so you can add furniture too it. Adding a stone slab fire pit would look awsome.(Carefull tho, you have a wood house :3)


Notes: 1.) Sorry for a long post,, but I like to review correctly. 2.) Sorry for the spelling, not the best,and I refuse to use auto correct. 3.) As im on my cell phone I can only go by whats in the description, and photos.4.) As stated I only do reviews as constructive critism, feel free to dp the same to my submissons.

Rating: 4/5

Diamonds: I will diamond if you wrote a response to my post on this topic, or feel free to message me a response. (Not a one sentence response please!)
10/01/2012 12:17 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Nick_'s Avatar
Hey, man. Thanks for writing me a review, and I will definetly take your advice into consideration next time I go make a project. And also, I didn't add as many pictures because then nobody would download it. ;)
10/01/2012 5:25 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
feisty102's Avatar
One diamond for you: Nick_
Good work.
09/30/2012 9:56 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
murguy's Avatar
its cool
09/30/2012 10:12 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Nick_'s Avatar
Thank you murguy!
10/01/2012 4:54 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
murguy's Avatar
np but it realy is
Planet Minecraft


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