Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Herja - Ancient Ridged Mountains

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Bogatyr Anon's Avatar Bogatyr Anon
Level 44 : Master Mountaineer
Hello Everyone!

This is the Herja Ancient Ridged Mountains. Why Ancient? The slopes are not super steep, meaning these mountains have been around for a very long time and have eroded down into the small basins you see in the map. Perfect for building a small village or a retreat house! As Always, if you are an expert in terraforming please comment/message where I need to improve! All criticism is appreciated.

You are free to use this map wherever and however you like, as long as you give me credit somewhere!

Herja Series projects all have a high base elevation and thus are perfect for creative plots! (psst, a great creative plots server is mc.junocraft.net)
Progress100% complete

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