Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Evil Clown 2 players redstone puzzle jumping

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Noct's Avatar Noct
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer

First time I post a project here.
I've already done many puzzle jumping and redstone dispositives but never published any.

What am I making ?

That's a big puzzle jumping with actualy 2 parts finished, 1 ongoing and maybe more in the future.

First part (done):
Players pass a 2 players required doorway. they enter in a cylinder separated by glass. a strange music starts and continue during 1 or 2m.

People start by helping each others in a cooperative level.

Then people have to win 3 small chalenges to win mainly based on tricky jumps but using redstone with, to resume, 1 binary memory cell (2 positions), and a memory cell with 3 positions thar drives pistons. some speed or logic chalenges where people need to push button to change the position of pistons to reach the end of the puzzle jumping. So the position of pistons is modified when one of the 2 player push a button but they are modfied too when some random pulse generators send a signal (the number of random pulse generators activated can be modifed with a difficulty selector)

People have to find out the way out of a glass labyrinth between each small chalenges.

Second part (done):

The 2 players will arrive in the same big place when there are tricky and very small chalenges. The players must win at least 7 chalenges on 11 to continue the puzzle jumping.

Third part (in progress):

The part of the puzzle jumping i'm doing now is a level composed of 3
buttons whitch gives abilities that players can select  through a
redstone system. the 3 abilities are: jump higher/run faster/night

To obtain access to the 3 abilites you will need to do 3
hard puzzle jumpings and the abilities must be obtained in a particular
order. For exemple you would not be able to obtain the speed without
having obtained the night vision first ... something like this.

There will be 11 others buttons that can be accessed through many puzzle
jumpings more or less difficult, with or without the help of early
retrieved powers. These 11 buttons will give the access to the end of
the level through a water elevator (water is not present at the start
but gave by dispenser button after button).

What do I need ?

I need at least 16 years old persons. English or french language. Able to use Mumble.

Those people would help me to finish that game, and maybe in a second time, continue imagine others parts for that puzzle or any other redstone based puzzle game.

I did all the redstone needed for now and i will continue doing what's needed to the puzzle. So even if can apreciate the help of another redstoner to continue or improve what that game, I need most the help of level designers to imagine what tricky jumps and actions players will have to make to access to buttons. It's like imagine an enigm and for that people do not need to be good at redstone. Having play on portal or done many minecraft puzzle jumping would have been a good training.

Anybody interested to help me on that project or to test some of my puzzles (to help me find and correct eventual bugs) ?

So any people can help by doing one of that 3 roles:
-level designer
-betatester (2 people requiered, fun included)

Don't expect an easy level. That's hardcore gamers stuff. But to let people with less experience have fun with it you can do it with the fly mode or using /home to come back on a block you just fell from.

To help me you will just need to contact me here. Then you can beta test the game.
And then, only if you like it and would like to do more than betatesting, you will need to sign up on the server i'm using (Minebeuk forum in presentation sub category). I know that's boring but if you think you could like that creative process, come on and you won't be disapointed. The server is using the version 1.7.2 but will soon be updated.

I will do some youtube video and export schematic when it will be finished.
CreditThe server i'm squatting and his players: Minebeuk
Progress65% complete

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05/01/2014 12:17 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
Noct's Avatar
no more comment ? I hoped to see more interested people now to continue the puzzle tonight but i will be patient ^^
04/30/2014 11:44 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
Noct's Avatar
That's better isn't it ?
Team Talonzire
05/02/2014 12:14 am
Level 38 : Artisan Nether Knight
Team Talonzire's Avatar
Much better
Team Talonzire
04/30/2014 11:36 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Nether Knight
Team Talonzire's Avatar
Post more to me this seems like spam
04/30/2014 11:42 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Spam is sort of a vague classification but the fact that he has at least a pic, description, and title would probably make it acceptable enough for it to not be considered spam (for now at least).
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