Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Half A Heart Parkour [1.19.4]

  • 34,793 views, 24 today
  • 6,958 downloads, 1 today
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Qui_gamer's Avatar Qui_gamer
Level 44 : Master Modder
Hi this is my 3rd map and its a parkour map.

There are 4 levels all different themes

When you complete 1 level you get a key and money (you can spend it in vending machines)

And of course you only have 0.5 hp so pro gamers:"Good luck!!"

And have fun!!

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ChangeLog Version 1.2 [The Refreshing Update]
Hey guys so since this is my best map I decided to "Refresh" it. Change some blocks refresh the parkour make it harder etc!
This map is already quite old so I updated it to 1.18.1 and made some fun/major/small changes I really hope you have fun with the map!

ChangeLog Version 1.2:

- Refreshed starting room

- refreshed level 1

- added a farm barn in level 1

- fixed bug where level 1 is impossible

- fixed a bug where you die with no way to save yourself

- added appearing and reappearing lava block as obstacle in level 2

- refreshed level 3

- refreshed level 4

- made some things symetrical

- made some things 4 blocks high

- added a chest with slime blocks for special jumps where you need them otherwise you will die

- made the parkour in general harder

- changed the difficulty again to peacefull

- made the particles dissapear from the poison effect (In the start lobby)

- Changed the text you see when joining

- alot of small fixes/changes

PMC Changes:

- changed all of the pictures in the picture gallery

- added this changelog tab

I Hope you enjoy this update!!!!

goodbye :)

ChangeLog Version 1.3
Hello everyone here is a quick QOL update for this map.

I decided to refresh it once again since it got quite old again, but it is now updated and there are some nice QOL fixes/new things in this new version, So let's get into it:

- Updated the map to the newest version of Minecraft (1.19)

- Changed gamerule SpawnRadius to 0
(This should fix a bug where you would not spawn on the spawning platform after you died)

- Changed gamerule doNaturalRegeneration to false

- Made it so that after you get to half a heart via the poison your hearts bar will automatically go to half a heart as the max (With a hopper clock and help with a video from: MaxStuff)

- Remade the starting room (See picture) Because the concrete was ugly lol

- Added a tribute to technoblade in the starting room, I think I am allowed to do that since I am not profiting off of this map.

- You now get a drinkable potion called "reset" for if you somehow don't die when landing on the floor

- fixed the spawnpoints not working

- Changed (almost) all of the pictures on the MP site

- Changed the floor and some other stuff in the starting room

That was the changelog for this QOL update!

Hope you enjoy it!


(Shout-out to DufDilR for discovering a bug)

Changelog Version 1.4
Hey guys a quick update for you guys for half a heart parkour!


- Updated map to 1.19.4

- Slightly changed the starting room

- Slightly changed level 1

That was it, this update was purely for updating the map! Have fun!

- ACgamer_Real
CreditTobinatorrr (Thanks for helping!), Maxstuff
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Changelog Version 1.4 : by Qui_gamer 05/17/2023 2:14:43 pmMay 17th, 2023

Hey guys a quick update for you guys for half a heart parkour!


- Updated map to 1.19.4

- Slightly changed the starting room

- Slightly changed level 1

That was it, this update was purely for updating the map! Have fun!

- ACgamer_Real

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05/22/2023 12:02 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
FloppyTheDisket's Avatar
why'd you give me extra blocks lol
05/22/2023 6:09 pm
Level 44 : Master Modder
Qui_gamer's Avatar
kind of expect people not to use them since that would take the fun out of the challenge, cheating is enabled as well so peope could get blocks anyways.
07/23/2022 10:53 am
Level 44 : Master Modder
Qui_gamer's Avatar
Thank you all for 20k views
I literally could never imagine getting so many views on a map!

Love you all!
02/15/2022 7:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
DufdilR's Avatar
Found some bug, where when you dead, you won't respawn on the start pad... I think it because the /gamerule spawnradius is not 0
So, you can fix it by run a simple command
/gamerule spawnradius 0
02/16/2022 9:30 am
Level 44 : Master Modder
Qui_gamer's Avatar
Oh yeah, lol Thanks a lot for the feedback I'll give you a shout-out in the changelog :)
Papa Enny
11/21/2021 10:50 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Interesting concept, can be also helpful by making some sort of training for really challenging things(speedrun where you are at a small amount of hearts and need to do something hard)
11/19/2021 3:50 pm
Level 44 : Master Modder
Qui_gamer's Avatar
Hey guys, So I just realeased a similair map. It's also parkour but this time there is a different twist: It's that you are infinitley blinded, so you basiclly can't see anything!

Thinks that is interesting? Download it here :)

02/12/2021 5:59 pm
Level 44 : Master Modder
Qui_gamer's Avatar
Hey guys, so if you don't know i made 2 extra levels (some extra content)

check it out here: www.planetminecraft.com/project/dlc-half-a-heart-parkour-1-the-nether-the-end/
07/01/2020 4:44 am
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02/17/2021 4:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
martin639's Avatar
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