Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Justinianic Hagia Sophia [DOWNLOAD]

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Nikephoros's Avatar Nikephoros
Level 40 : Master Fish
Should probably start off with a to do list:
- Baths of Zeuxippos
- Mese
- Other things

This build seeks to recreate Hagia Sophia and her surroundings during the reign of Justinian, more precisely the 537-58 period until the collapse of the first dome. Everything is done in 6:1 scale where 1 block is 1 meter. You can learn more about the history and building stages in the updates section. Here is a list of most important structures within the build so far:

- Hagia Sophia (obviously)
- Hagia Eirene
- Chalke Gate
- Patriarchal Palace
- Great Baptistery
- Skeuophylakion
- Augustaion forum with Justinian's column
- Regia street
- Milion
- Raised Passage
- Senate house by Augustaion
- Hospital of Sampson
- Basilica
- Theotokos Chalkoprateia

The numerous discussions with marvelfannumber2, as well as his valuable suggestions, have resulted in a noticeable improvement in this project's overall historical accuracy.
Progress100% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Nikephoros 04/16/2024 4:44:13 pmApr 16th

Added Basilica cistern and the forum on top of it. Yet due to the height limits of Minecraft the cistern could't be integrated in its full height as it is too far underground. Should publish a separate map with the full cistern.

Also next to Basilica I added the library and a little further away the church of Theotokos Chalkoprateia. It was one of the most important Constantinopolitan churches, seat of the patriarch from 532 to 537.

Enlarged the Augustaion and repositioned Milion (its location isn't finalised yet) in preparation for building the Mese street.

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05/14/2024 11:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Legionariuss's Avatar
how do i build it in survival 😂😂
03/11/2024 1:21 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Architect
Peculiar-Gemini's Avatar
This must be one of the most remarkable work of art I've seen on PMC. Truly a creative triumph!
03/11/2024 5:53 pm
Level 40 : Master Fish
Nikephoros's Avatar
Thanks, you’re too kind!
01/27/2024 6:02 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
The_Byzantine_Builder's Avatar
I just stumbled upon your work and my jaw literally dropped! The scale of this build is insane! I dont even know how you even begin a project like that! Ive started building Hagia Sophia myself, the scale being sort of bigger than 1:1, which i already thought it was big. Perhaps you already have it in mind, but it would be intresting to see your take on the holy apostoles church of Constantinople!
01/29/2024 5:20 am
Level 40 : Master Fish
Nikephoros's Avatar
Thanks! I think I should get to it at some point, though for now I have a lot of stuff to build around Hagia Sophia and then the great palace
01/29/2024 6:02 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
The_Byzantine_Builder's Avatar
sounds good. thanks for replying!
01/31/2024 4:53 am
Level 40 : Master Fish
Nikephoros's Avatar
Good luck with your Hagia Sophia! For which period are you building it?
02/13/2024 1:35 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
The_Byzantine_Builder's Avatar
haha, thats a good question. I guess it would be middle byzantine period. Do you happen to have any references on how the exterior actually looked (material wise)? Cause ive heard that it was either white/marble (like the one you made) or just brick work. Anyways, It had been a while since i made any progress on Hagia Sophia, and ive recently started working on it again!
02/14/2024 5:36 am
Level 40 : Master Fish
Nikephoros's Avatar
By middle Byzantine period it was probably plastered in a bluish colour, as we can see on the depiction on the vestibule mosaic. Also there are some pieces of Proconnesian marble revetment still intact on the exterior wall of the narthex facing east. Whether it was all initially covered in marble revetment is anyone's guess really, since much of the walls today are covered with plaster and cannot be examined properly. I think they were though, given written accounts describing how shiny the church was. Hope this helps!
10/04/2023 5:39 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Steffy's Avatar
Beautiful! Can we get a smaller scaled version of this?
10/09/2023 1:57 pm
Level 40 : Master Fish
Nikephoros's Avatar
Thanks! For a 1:1 map you should check out marvelfannumber2’s version, though it is for a different time period
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