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Captain_JEK's Avatar Captain_JEK
Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity

this is my take on a garbage truck. I know there already are a lot of garbage truck designs out there, but I thought another design wouldn't be bad.
This truck is a rear loader and has two hydraulic arms for emptying the trashcans.

What I see most people struggle with in terms of garbage trucks, is the side of the truck. Some make it completely flat, some create a stripe pattern with different colored blocks. But real garbage trucks have many thin struts on the outside to make the container more stable.
I tried to create those struts with shulker boxes, which have this neat little, darker area at the bottom.

If you are looking for an American garbage truck, see Autocar Garbage Truck.

Progress100% complete

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12/27/2023 8:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Olive_the_Moth's Avatar
Hi! I'm in a server with friends and am living in a junkyard, and wanted to have a truck to go with it. I found your design and wanted to use it as a base, but I have no idea how to get it working other than pictures here.

It has me download a schematic, but I have no idea what that means or how to use it, can you help me?
12/28/2023 10:18 pm
He/Him • Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
If you play in survival I'm afraid there's no other option than building it by hand from the images and the 3D viewer here.
A schematic file stores a build, but you need World Edit as either a plugin (for servers) or a mod (for singleplayer) to create or paste schematics.
Adding a plugin to a server is really easy, it requires nothing more than dropping a .jar file (you can download the right one for your Minecraft version here) into the plugins folder of your server. Only the server owner (the one who has access to the server's folders) can do that.
After the plugin has been added to your server, you need op rights to use World Edit commands. And then you could paste my schematic.

Another idea would be installing Minecraft Forge and getting the World Edit mod, which only works in singleplayer. This way you could paste my schematic in a singleplayer world of yours and use it to take a closer look at the truck. But you'd still have to build it by hand on your server.
12/29/2023 2:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Olive_the_Moth's Avatar
That's a super helpful response, thank you so much!

We're running a forge server already, so it should be super easy for me to download WorldEdit and make this in a singleplayer world!

I'm very excited to be using your design, thank you once again!
12/29/2023 7:19 pm
He/Him • Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Oh that's great!
I'm glad I could help you ^^
If you have any further questions just ask
11/08/2018 2:45 am
Level 46 : Master Architect
PlanetForger's Avatar
Nice detail work yo!
11/08/2018 6:54 am
He/Him • Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
Thank you :)
09/26/2018 11:34 am
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
I think it looks pretty good. I noticed you post quite often: Do you have like a huge stash of vehicles to upload or do you make new vehicles everyday?
09/26/2018 11:55 am
He/Him • Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
I make them everyday, fresh and new from scratch. Depending on how hard it is to get the right shape and correct detailing it takes me 3 or more hours for one vehicle. The grader for example was so hard that I paused building on it for 3 days and built other vehicles nearby. That way I always saw the grader from the corner of my eye and got it finished bit by bit. The garbage truck wasn't that hard and took (I think) 2-3 hours.
But I didn't "prebuild" them and just upload them now one after the other.
09/26/2018 12:55 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
gotcha, also do you build on a server or just single player?
09/26/2018 2:16 pm
He/Him • Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
I build in my single player world. So I can build even without internet connection. I only need one for posting ^^
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