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AwesomeBASE901's Avatar AwesomeBASE901
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Future... past... both are good for me I love the past and its secrets but I also continue to the future. So I made this house for people looking for 1. a house with a future design 2. Doom (1993, 1994, 2004, and the recently loaded and my fav the 2016v) 3. Aliens colonial. so with this map this will have to come with a few mods they will be in the download with the map so no need to worry. The mods are awesome as all hell they are guns armor and the primary one you all have to use for the entire house is the chisel mod. you also need it for another mod know as the TechGuns mod *one of my fav* you also got the modern warfare guns mod. NOW WAIT. you think call of duty modern warfare right? no this is different it also adds more guns, bombs and alot of cool stuff you all will love. also i am giving you a custom armor mod so you can make and act with special suits for ether doom or alien. Now lets get back on track so this house is blank and is usable for you own map but do not use the same model the download came with try another design but you may use some parts of it. You can review it and make it your own home.

so recape: this map was made by your truly and you can use it for anything as long as you do it right ok? good.

Now have fun AND STAY AWESOME!

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