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How to find on server: Server IP: minefurs.net /warp Foxton

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Saint_Coyena's Avatar Saint_Coyena
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
City Of Foxton

Population: 65+
Founded: 19th May 2023 at 16:00/4PM
Mayors: Hero_2006 and Angelboy2314
Founders: Saint_Coyena, Juicey, WaffyTheWolgan, Hero_2006, and Nebkelp
Warp: /warp Foxton

Breaching any of these rules will get you blacklisted from Foxton without appeal.

Foxton was founded on the 19th May 2023 alongside Saint_Coyena, Juicey, and WaffyTheWolgan.

Notable Locations/Features:

Airport that has flights to Barkington and a first class lounge

Community farm with bamboo, bonemeal, baked potato, sugarcane, cactus, sweet berries, glow berries, kelp, melons, pumpkin, and a possible Beetroot farm in the future, the farm also has express elevators making navigating the farm a piece of cake ^W^

Subway system that is free to use

Community chests

Subway connection to other towns such at Floof Valley

Blue Ice Underground highways with Speedy connections to the shopping district, and other towns such as Unnamed town by Arka, and Pawston (More town connections coming soon)

Parking lot is Located at the Community Farm

Talented builders such as KiwiKwe, Angel, Ender, Waffy, Clone, Pumpkin and many more.

If you have any questions, feel free to Contact the mayor by sending sc4r3k1ng or angel3651 a DM, and your question will get answered as soon as possible.

Credits list is at max length meaning i cannot add any more names to it :<
CreditSaint_Coyena, AstrooRex, PixelBiscuit12, Hero_2006, Hyeenadon, WaffyTheWolgan, Castellan_Fyor, Angel, NotKyng, TheDrowsyGator, WildBot500, Nikrafter, DracoLoricatus, AskaraTheHusky, Coywolfie, Juicey, Sapph, AceTheDragon, LadyPotato420, FoxyLG
Progress50% complete

1 Update Logs

My resignation as mayor as of may 30 2024 : by Saint_Coyena 05/30/2024 6:20:54 pmMay 30th

I have made the hard decision to step down as mayor of Foxton, being mayor wasnt my thing but at the time as I loved running towns, I ended up becoming mayor and leading this great town, not to worry though as I have found you all two new mayors which are: Hero_2006 & Angelboy2314.

Stay safe & positive floofs, I will still be here to talk to ^w^

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06/03/2024 2:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ii_ernest's Avatar
So cool !
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