Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Fictional German Battlecruiser - Siegfried (Enlarged Deutschland-Class)

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Epitaph's Avatar Epitaph
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sailor
Another personal project. I think the best way to think of this ship is if the Graf Spee and the Jean Bart (in her post-war configuration) had a kid. The high sides and anti-air batteries are more similar to post-war French vessels, whereas the superstructure and arrangements are all inspired by the Graf Spee. The livery is inspired by that of the Bismarck.

AU - Der Ring class battlecruisers consists of four ships named after the operas that comprise Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold, Siegfried, Walkuere and Goetterdaemmerung.

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02/02/2017 8:02 am
Level 74 : Legendary uwu
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
Very cool! i love fictional ships!
How come its white? (that looks amazing btw)
02/03/2017 12:39 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sailor
Epitaph's Avatar

Regarding the colour, I notice the paintwork for many german ships during the interwar period is significantly lighter in shade than those if other nations, such as Japan.

I'm not that good at replicating camouflags so I ended up using a simplified version of the Bismarcks for the hull, but a plain interwar livery for the superstructure.

As we don't really have any intermeduate shade of grey between stone bricks and quartz, I thought quartz would give the ships a cleaner look that drab grey all over.
02/03/2017 3:23 am
Level 74 : Legendary uwu
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
White is for the pure aryan race
02/01/2017 1:47 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Engineer
Drash2005's Avatar
looks more like a German/Japan ship design mix.
02/01/2017 2:02 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sailor
Epitaph's Avatar
Probably due to the tall conning tower. The secondary battery was definitely inspired after looking at Jean Bart and De Grasse though.

As you can guess, the number of Japanese ships I've built has left quite the imprint on my brain :P
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