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CaptainMalone's Avatar CaptainMalone
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Endercart is an exciting Minecart ride through a stronghold followed by a warp into The End itself. Or at least, it would be if it were complete. As is, the model of The End is pretty lame, and the track ends suddenly. I'll be working on it little by little, slowly,* but it's still a pretty fun stronghold tour as is.
I found the stronghold/canyon intersect generated by Minecraft and put the cart track in. I think it's a great demonstration of just how huge and awesome the strongholds are.

*I have abandoned this project in favor of another, far more exciting one. You won't be disappointed, trust me.
Progress50% complete

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11/30/2011 11:53 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
soaper123's Avatar
amazing!!! (you should troll by breaking 1 of the rails by a turn so when someone is riding it, they will die hahahahahaha) nice work
11/30/2011 11:39 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Taco
Shadow_Wraith's Avatar
God job n Trac. U get diamond.
Planet Minecraft


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