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itsonlyjoey's Avatar itsonlyjoey
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
As you trek through the jungles of Esroniet, you suddenly see something in the distance. A little wicker hut rises out of the undergrowth on wooden stilts. You approach and climb up into it, brushing aside cobwebs and vines. It has clearly been abandoned for some time, but a little snooping reveals that this once belonged to a man named Volstagg Honeyhand...

A little hut I made as a quest location for the Eldercraft Scrolls: Akavir RP server. On a mission to defeat a mysterious cult known as the Shroud of Y'ffre, the heroes were led to the forgotten hut of a Nord druid. What they found there, however, is a story for them to tell...

This is a really simple design meant to evoke a very roughly crafted hut of straw and bamboo (made before bamboo was added to the game). I think the trapdoors create a nice porous effect like screens or wicker. Feel free to copy, steal and improve the design for your own server! Would be nice for a little jungle village.
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