Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Disney World Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

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halloweenlover1's Avatar halloweenlover1
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Amid the glitz and the glitter of a bustling, young movie town at the height of its golden age, The Hollywood Tower Hotel was a star in its own right; a beacon for the show business elite. Now… You can explore this decaying hotel and enjoy the attraction that brings you straight to The Twilight Zone. This hotel and fully functioning ride is extremely detailed and is possibly the most accurate ever recreated in Minecraft. After a year of gathering videos and photographs, this enormous build is complete and waiting for you. I invite you, if you dare, to download this world and check it out for yourself because you may just find yourself a permanent resident of… The Twilight Zone
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08/14/2019 8:07 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Smittie's Avatar
This is amazing! Can I use this on my Hollywood Studios Server?
11/16/2019 3:56 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
halloweenlover1's Avatar
Sure, go ahead. Thank you.
12/09/2016 4:27 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
cuylerk's Avatar
This is a great ride but i would recommend adding more detail to the exterior like making the windows bigger and stuff like that.
12/10/2016 5:22 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
halloweenlover1's Avatar
Yeah through some of the pictures the details don't show up as well but this build is definitely one of my most detailed. It is challenging getting them though when you build to actual size. I could make another with bigger windows and at a total different scale if I wanted one with more detail. But I do see what you mean with there being big spaces between windows and such.
07/18/2017 12:46 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Blues422's Avatar
I would make the tower part a bit smaller size, don't get me wrong it's magnificent but a little colossal!
03/18/2018 12:54 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
halloweenlover1's Avatar
Yeah, as I have looked back on it, I definitely went a tad over board lol
11/04/2016 8:08 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
cuylerk's Avatar
lol i based my tower of terror of the florida one =)
11/04/2016 8:33 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
halloweenlover1's Avatar
Actually by the look of it, your last two were based off of California's. The one I did here is based off of Florida's. It looks like you did a nice job and make sure to download mine so you can get the best view!
11/04/2016 9:23 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
cuylerk's Avatar
Yea the Minecraft Tower Hotel is based of DCA version but my other one is a mish mash betwenn DCA and Florida
11/04/2016 9:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
halloweenlover1's Avatar
Oh I see
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