Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Creative/plot world spawn for norwegian server.

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MineBuilderKing's Avatar MineBuilderKing
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
This is my newest finished project, It currently does not have a name, but might come up with one in the futur.
The building is based on a old build i made from 2015, and was originaly ment to be a server spawn, and be a bit bigger, the size of the building was scaled down to fit within the spawn plot.

First floor contains the main hall, with staircase that goes all the way up to the third floor, and 2 symmetrical rooms on each side.

Second floor containd more stairs, and 4 rooms, this i might change later as i dont know what to do with them.

Third floor has a office, music room, and 2 attics, that can be used for large gatherings, and contains a stage.

And the fourth floor is planed to be a musical room, and i wanted to have a grand piano in there (but i dont know how to make one..) so it is curently empty, but is my favorite room in the building.

I had planes to make the building feel like it has been there for a long time, and that it would be kind of overgrown and old, but ended up leaving the wals somewhat smooth and clean, as it felt a bit to messy.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments if you have any, and feedback is appreciated :) and i hope this can give you some inspiration!
Thanks for checking out my projekts!
Progress100% complete

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04/03/2021 6:51 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Pig
edmand3117's Avatar
Look great and nice map,
what is your server ip? :D
04/05/2021 12:21 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
MineBuilderKing's Avatar
Not my server, but the ip is Spillere.no, it is a norwegian server, so if you want to check it out and you dont know norwegian, then you might have a mad time understanding stuff cx

But if you want to take a look at this spawn build on the server, you can type the command /server kreative, on the server, and it will send you to the world.

It is also the same server im building my palace, Dahlia palace.
04/02/2021 7:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hoyesen_GG's Avatar
How Do i download the map, i don't see any download button!
04/02/2021 8:03 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
MineBuilderKing's Avatar
Hai, this map is not for download, i made it for a server, and can therefore not make it public.

But thanks for the interest :)
04/01/2021 7:08 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dinosaur
bob_2_MC's Avatar
Stunning! The roof and the round windows on the side especially look great. My one piece of feed back would be to make the terraforming around the building more three dimensional, the hill on the corner of the plot looks great but it is a bit out of place with the rest of the plot being so flat and regular.

Seriously though this looks fantastic.

How long did this take? Did you use anything like world edit?
04/01/2021 8:18 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
MineBuilderKing's Avatar
Thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it :)

The building itself took 3 days to finish, and about 2 days on interior design. i originaly had about 5 days to build the spawn, but this was pushed back later as the plugins for the world wasnt finished yet.

I first built the building and landscaping within the original 5 days, and was supost to wait with the interior and other smaler detail til later, but ended up finishing some interior design and other detail as the deadline was pushed back.

I uesed world edit to make the building proses a bitt faster, and voxel sniper for the terraforming, the mountain in the corner was made by one of the admins on the server, so the rivver would have a starting point.

I originally had plans for the terrain to be a bit more, interesting, to give people inspiration, like you mention, a more three dimensional landskape, but keep it simple to finish at the set deadline.

I can still build on the spawn plot, so might fix some of it later :)
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