Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Compact Automatic Cooked Chicken Machine (4x8x8)

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macaronic's Avatar macaronic
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
This automatic cooked chicken machine consists of a central silo and two circuit boards that can be placed anywhere you'd like and any distance from the silo.

  • Fully automatic - Zero intervention required. No reloading, no button pushing, no debugging.
  • safe chickens - Both sets of chickens are encased in glass blocks that prevent suffocation and reduces clipping through walls. The top set of adult chickens will never escape (which is what matters) so you have a unwavering of eggs. The bottom set of baby and adult chickens behaves differently. Here the adults will occasionally be pushed through the glass by the tenacious baby chickens. Sometimes they spring back towards the center of the cube and sometimes they escape. I like to build these coops far and underground to prevent escapes and because chickens are loud and annoying.

  • Robust - I tested it with 64 chickens laying eggs on top and it performed smoothly. You really don't need that many but the machine can handle heavy loads as long as your computer can compute that many chickens and chicks.

  • Quick Start-up in Survival Mode - Doesn't requires any slime balls. Requires 4 Nether Quartz to fully automate but it can be semi-automatic (by adding 1 button) until you travel to the nether. Allows you to build the machine in stages, starting with the top of the silo as you gather eggs in the wild.

  • Adaptable - This is designed for delivery below the machine into a minecart with chest so that cooked chicken, feathers, and eggs can be automatically shuttled to an item sorter and stored in a home base.

  • Versatile - The two circuit board can be placed any distance from the silo. I've attached pictures for two sample layouts. I'll attached more detailed pictures for the latter because it's easier to see the redstone wiring in the second layout.
  • Silo - 1 Chest/Minecart with chest, 3 Hoppers, 4 Cobblestone slabs, 3 Dispensers, 1 Bucket of lava, 8 Cobblestone blocks, 49 Glass blocks

  • Double Pulse at Sunset Circuit - 1 Daylight sensor, 9 Repeaters, 12 Redstone, 20 Cobblestone blocks

  • Auto-dispenser with detector - 1 Comparator, 1 Repeater, 3 Redstone torches, 6 Redstone, 7 Cobblestone blocks.

Note the delay and direction of each repeater. There are two dispensers in the middle of the silo. One fires eggs gathered from above while the other delivers a lethal flash of lava every day at sunset but all the baby chicks are unharmed because they only sit 0.5 blocks high above the slab and never touch the lava. The slabs are important so that chickens don't fall through the hoppers. The double pulse at sunset circuit connects to the dispenser holding the lava. To avoid any misfires, you should only load the lava at the end of your build. The daylight sensor needs access to the sky and you can use a column of glass blocks if you're building underground. If you're attaching a delivery system to the bottom of the machine be mindful that, depending on your design, a chicken may clip through the hopper since it's not made of glass. SEMI-AUTOMATIC SETUP: While you're waiting for some nether quartz, you can add a button to the same block the locked repeater is feeding into. A single button click here will manually kill the chickens. The timing of the lava will be perfect once you eventually get a daylight sensor pulse. The single cobblestone slab at the top of the machine can actually be lowered to be flush with the top row of glass but it can be tricky to do so.

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