Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Central european style buildings

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FJZ_Builds's Avatar FJZ_Builds
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
These are three buildings I made based in central european buildings. The one on the left is the Hotel Jacob, in Brno, Czech Republic, It looks great also fits great with the city. The building in the middle is totally invented by me, Im not very satisfied with the that result, maybe I should move it to another place because It doesn´t fit at all wit the other buildings. And finally my favourite of these... the building on the right is the one ubicated over Hajós u. between Zichy Jeno and Ó u. in Budapest, Hungary. Is a very interesting building, tried to recreate it and the result is very good, is not finished yet because I haven´t made the two domes and the roof yet, but I will submit the final result soon.
See you later!
Progress70% complete

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