Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

1:1 Halo Covenant CCS class Battlecruiser

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Rainbou_Fondler's Avatar Rainbou_Fondler
Level 58 : Grandmaster Baconator
via the Halo Fanon wiki page:

The CCS-class battlecruiser, also dubbed the Covenant Capital Ship, is the most common warship in the entire Covenant fleet. A development from the older RCS-class armoured cruiser, the sleek CCS-class is built as an expression of the Covenant's power. It is fast, well-armed and shielded, and useful, all in equal measure. Add to this a large complement for a ship of its size, and it is not hard to see why these battlecruisers could be seen from everything from honour guard ships to occupation vessels to forward construction vessels. These ships are looked upon with envious eyes by the rest of the Covenant, and even after the hegemony's fall have continued to cermet themselves as a reliable vessel.

this is a 1:1 scale replication of a CCS class battlecruiser from the Halo video game franchise, it features a partial but fully explorable interior not accurate to the games but inspired by covenant interior design ques seen in later games like Reach and Halo 3. most of the work was done via importing a 3D model into Minecraft and later adding color, light, interior, etc. via numerous methods such as world edit brush commands, or just doing some of the work by hand. it is available for download via schematic file, and is also displayed where I built it, the Military Builders creative server. I highly encourage you to check the server and it's community out not only for the build, but because both the owner and it's people are incredibly passionate about what they do, as well a s being incredibly helpful. this build would not have been possible without their server to serve as my platform.
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04/08/2024 9:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
F2P_Arbiter's Avatar
For anyone who is having problems with getting this absolute monster of a schematic into your world, use this program called Amulet. (Amulet Editor (amuletmc.com) What it will do is that it will import the schematic without crashing Minecraft and sidestep the java heap error. I did this on my laptop btws. Be warned though some chunks of it may get corrupted. I wish you all luck on your endeavors!
10/19/2023 6:09 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Giet_Pudemee's Avatar
I'm so glad the Ket-pattern/CCS-class ist just barely shy of reaching Minecrafts building height, making a 1:1 creation of the ship possible!
Covenant Artisan
09/18/2023 7:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Covenant Artisan's Avatar
great job, the only problem is there is no problem, thank you. This was my childhood dream.
Also, great rendering.
09/07/2023 4:25 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect Engineer
Person_named_Jeck's Avatar
Man, great job
Historical Insigths Yt
09/03/2023 9:26 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Historical Insigths Yt's Avatar
World download Please this schematic is very big
08/07/2023 3:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WhiteMatthew02's Avatar
hi! i have a big problem....i can't use this schem because it is painfully BIG! eveyrtime i try,my game crashes and it is not about ram,or my pc or the ram allocation or anything,it is just verybig...do you have a map with this cruiser?
08/08/2023 10:44 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Baconator
Rainbou_Fondler's Avatar
I'll try and get a world download set up
08/07/2023 6:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WhiteMatthew02's Avatar
MY FRIEND!! this is incredible! keep working on those beautiful projects! i'm such a big fan of this work! i do have a world full of halo ships from unsc,covenant,forerunners etc,structures! can't wait to add this to my collection and once i have everything,i can work on a realistic halo wars map!
chuck chuck
07/27/2023 10:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chuck chuck's Avatar
Its scary to imagine how much time it took for this beauty
07/25/2023 9:11 pm
Level 49 : Master Soldier
MilitaryBuilders's Avatar
This is the best thing since sliced bread. <3
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