Minecraft Mods

[Windows] AutoHotKey Command Aliases for Minecraft

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JustusFT's Avatar JustusFT
Level 51 : Grandmaster Nerd
1.8 introduced a lot of powerful commands most nowadays admins/mapmakers use frequently. One thing, though, is that some common commands are often long or executed very often, and thus tedious to type.

This is where my command aliases come in!

Minecraft Command Aliases is an AutoHotKey script that, as the name suggests, create short aliases for common in-game commands.

These work like any other command alias -- execute a command or a sequence of commands from a defined string. For example, typing /heal is set to be equivalent to /effect @p instant_health 1 3 using this script.

This script also features a multi-clipboard for storing coordinates. This allows for auto-completing /fill or /clone commands. (like WorldEdit's //hpos)
Full list of aliases
/aliases - opens this list
/readme - opens the readme

/hpos1 - set the first position of your selection
/hpos2 - set the second position of your selection
/expand <direction> <amount> - expand selection along one axis
/expand <direction> -<amount> - contract selection along one axis
/inset - skrink selection in all directions
/outset - expand selection in all directions
/shift <direction> <amount> - move selection across one axis
/desel - deselect position

Region Operations:
/set <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] - gives you a fill command based on your selection
/clone [maskMode] [cloneMode] - gives you a clone command based on your selection
/setwalls <TileName> <dataValue> - set the walls of the selection
/setfloor <TileName> <dataValue> - fill the bottom of the selection
/setceil <TileName> <dataValue> - fill the top of the selection
/outline <TileName> <dataValue> - fill the edges of the selection

/up <distance> - teleports you up
/down <distance> - teleports you down
/waypoint <name> - create a waypoint
/waypoint <remove> <name> - delete waypoints
/goto <waypoint> - teleport to a waypoint
/goto <list> - list waypoints
/tpa <player> - teleport to a player

/killall <radius | all> - kill all nearby mobs
/killtype <entity> <radius | all> - kill a certain entity
/killname <name> <radius | all> - kill entities with a certain name
/killtag <name> <radius | all> - kill entities with a certain tag
/drain <radius> - drain nearby water
/ldrain <radius> - drain nearby lava
/removeabove <height> <radius> - remove blocks above your head
/removebelow <height> <radius> - remove blocks below your feet
/replacenear <radius> <from-id> <to-id> - replace all existing blocks nearby
/removenear <block> <size> - remove blocks near you
/void <radius> - delete the entire area
/room <radius> <TileName> <dataValue> - create a hollow box
/snow <radius> - cover area with snow
/thaw <radius> - remove snow
/burn <radius> - cover area with fire
/ex <radius> - extinguish fires
/flood <radius> <level> - floods your area and level with water
/lflood <radius> <level> - floods your area and level with lava
/sourceall <radius> - changes all flowing water to source water
/lsourceall <radius> - changes all flowing water to source water

Gamerule presets:
/nodrops - Disables all drop-related gamemodes
/maprules - Use a set of common map gamerules

Effect shortcuts:
/eclear - clear all active effects
/heal - heals your hp
/full - heal your hunger
/nohunger - toggle saturation
/bright - toggle night vision
/resistance - toggle resistance
/speed <level> - toggle speed
/haste - toggle fast block breaking in survival

Give shortcuts
/cmd - get a command block
/mcmd - get a minecart command block
/barrier - get a barrier

Gamemode shortcuts:
/c - creative mode
/s - survival mode
/a - adventure mode
/sp - spectator mode

Difficulty shortcuts:
/p - peaceful mode
/e - easy mode
/n - normal mode
/h - hard mode

Weather shortcuts:
/sun - weather clear
/rain - weather rain
/storm - weather thunder

Novelty shortcuts:
/boom - boom!
/boomboom - boomboom!!
/catboom - summon an exploding cat!
/meow - meow!
/himeow - meow!
/lomeow - meow!
/burp - burp!

Unfortunately, since this is an AutoHotKey script, it's only compatible with Windows. Sorry OSX/Linux users :(


[Windows] AutoHotKey Command Aliases for Minecraft Minecraft Mod This script is licensed under WTFPL. Go ahead, do what you want with it :)
CreditAutoHotKey for their amazing AHKScript :)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9

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03/31/2016 10:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TheChef's Avatar
Any chance of 1.7.10?
03/30/2016 4:03 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
ICEThat's Avatar
So, like WorldEdit? But with a bunch of other useful stuff?
03/30/2016 7:32 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Nerd
JustusFT's Avatar
Sorta, but it's no worldedit replacement.
This manipulates vanilla commands so it's limited on what it can do
03/27/2016 7:03 pm
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
good stuff
Planet Minecraft


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