Minecraft Mods

Wastelands of Baedoor (1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2)

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Toma400's Avatar Toma400
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Uploaded version:

ALPHA V0.A11s6

✵ For other versions (or 1.12/1.14 ports) visit CurseForge

Wastelands of Baedoor invents my own steampunk universe within Minecraft vanilla experience, adding new weapons, materials and mechanics, with subtle care to not ruin vanilla feeling.

Therefore you will see airships floating in the sky, and you will get different kind of steampunk materials to build with! But as Wastelands of Baedoor is mod that will bring you mostly weapons, you can expect a whole lot of different guns and weapons. There will be also some bosses in the future, bringing danger not known before to the lands of Minecraft...

As for v0.a10 version, Wastelands of Baedoor supports both Forge 1.15.2 and Forge 1.16.5. 1.12.2 version is being ported since 4th June 2021 (for details, it has its own section below). Fabric version is under consideration.

As I am single developer of mod and it's not my job at any kind, any progress on side-versions (1.12 / Fabric) will come extremely slowly. You can support me through Patreon or PayPal though, that will surely help a lot (and possibly fasten my work on other versions, as believe me - I would really love to have them too).



Melee & Ranged Ones
Ranging from classic ones - knives, throwing daggers, throwing axes, javelins, spears, to sabres having distinct mechanics making them most useful in long term.

classic weapons

Revolvers, shotguns and rifles, all with various mechanics (explained in wiki which will be at the end):



Leghold Trap! You can trap mobs to make your hunting easier. There will be more of them in the future, possibly more steampunk-related (v0.b1 will introduce one for sure).



There are five types of airships floating in the sky of Wastelands of Baedoor mod - you can try to conquer them, if you have enough curiosity. Though be aware - its crew isn't the easiest enemy! You can also try to meet new civilization living in some of these airships... or even establish trade deals!

airship inside

Some of these airships can also be cursed... but psst, don't talk about that here. You have to find it by yourself. Or read the wiki.


Renewability & farming
For anyone needing more TNT or sandstone without destroying deserts, let me introduce you... renewable sand!

sand veils

There is also possible renewability of ink sacks (since v0.a9), end stone, clay, soul soil, soul sand, wither roses, shulker boxes and jungle wood (since v0.a10). More information about it in mod's guide.

Spawnproof Base
If you are a city builder, or mega base builder, you probably always wanted to have spawnproof base, with moody light and without placing carpets/slabs everywhere. If you ever dreamt about beacon having "mob proof" effect, then here you have. Something maybe even better. This little pillar is able to obliterate any night mob in vanilla. Since v0.a10 version, it is also expanding its use to other mods.



Various wood variants
For now it's only for overworld wood, but in later version 1.16 Nether wood will be introduced as well.


Each for all overworld wood types, bamboo one, one for baedoor gold and two for lapis crystals.


Green Blocks (& bamboo wood & music discs)
green blocks

Blue Blocks (Lapis-related & Blue Nether Bricks)
blue blocks

Red Blocks (Lava Ingot Block, Glowing Obsidian, Chiseled Red Nether Bricks)
red blocks

Black Blocks (Vulcanic Sand)
black blocks

Yellow Blocks (Baedoor Gold)

Horizontal Glass Panes (or Trapdoors), Wooden Framed Glass Panes/Trapdoors
There is a powerful dose of glass variants: horizontal ones (simply glass trapdoors) and 11 different framed versions of them (one for each wood type + two stripped ones + of course, bamboo one)


Decorations (helpful with enchanting)
There are also new decorations, which will be extended much more in the future. For now though, we have lapis towers, representing Elven Lapis Tower, the home of all mages living in West of Moon Continent. They are decorations, but can be used as a stronger alternative for bookshelves, as shown below.

lapis towers

Lockable Chests (needing key for being opened)
Currently come with some metal variants, but they will be expanded in near future.


There are many additional features not mentioned here which you can also find useful (for example, glistering sand, cookable tropical fish or chainmail armor being craftable). But for that I recommend reading the wiki... or finding it by yourself while playing!


In v0.a10 version (12v0.a2 for 1.12.2) there are introduced huge cross-mod integration/compatibility features, enabling mod creators to use Nether Avoider and Dismantle enchantment. For more information how you can use them in your mod, you can either use this guide or message me.
Compatibility details (such as mobs affected) can be found in mod's guide.

Compatibile mods:

Adventures and Adversaries (since Beta 0.2.1)
Supports Dismantle enchantment.


Upon Infernal Depths (since 210602a snapshot)
Supports both Nether Avoider use and Dismantle enchantment.


The Arcaneum (since version 1.13)
Supports Nether Avoider use.



Wastelands of Baedoor is slowly coming to beta stage. I will make one more alpha version, v0.a11, polishing technical aspects, bugfixing and adding few details, maybe something more if I have time and feel right for it. Update will certainly fix firearms rendering and (a bit placeholder-y) small textures in 1.16 version. There's also a possibility that it will add support for some other versions, such as 1.14.4 and 1.17, but it depends on how many bugs I encounter (1.14) and on MCreator development (1.17). So no promises. 1.14 support, if ever, will be exclusive for v0.a11, I don't plan to support it further.
In the same time, I will try to port some things from WoB to its 1.12.2 version, at least to make that ported version worth using, at best to be as close to v0.a11 as it can be.

After all that jazz, we will enter the beta stage, when I will focus much more massively on steampunk theme. You can expect much more machines/automaton-related stuff, airships being more diverse, and possibly expanding the amount of firearms, to make them use more widely all mechanics involved. Of course farming and decorations/blocks won't be forgotten.

Aside of WoB, you can expect two standalone (yet integrated) expansions. They will most possibly be created, but their development depends on my free time, so I can't promise anything:

  • Spires of Baedoor, trying to be vanilla-themed mod on magic and herbalism. Expect something more than enchantments only, but also something more vanilla than Mahou Tsukai - just in between, like Electroblob's Wizardry. SoB will use the same universe, expanding some lore elements from WoB (for example, you will be able to use ormath magic). You can get most basic overview of it here and vote for specific types of magic to be included here.
  • Civilizations of Baedoor, trying to be structure/adventure-themed mod, this time focusing on almost no mechanics but adding a lot of civilizations to the world. Expect a lot of NPCs, mobs, structures, bosses. There's even a chance I will make it even more RPG-focused, adding quasi-similar race/class mechanics, as with Origins mod I'm lately having too much fun with.



Guide (Recipes and short introduction to mechanics)

You can also download offline copy here.


Bugs / Ideas / Feedback Report

Survey for upcoming updates

Bug Tracker

CurseForge site

MCreator site

Guide for Modders




If you want to participate on my development more actively, you can join Discord!

Aside from most direct talk you can get with me, you will be also able to present ideas for wider audience, get non-public snapshots or archived, older versions of WoB, not published on CurseForge.

Discord Server


If you have older version of mod and you upgrade it, you can get "missing items" error. Don't worry, it's nothing to care about, it just makes projectiles or test items disappear. I don't delete any important feature since first public version, so these errors appears only if something was changed for performance/mod weight sake.

All rights reserved except for vanilla textures, which are obviously created by Mojang. Glowing obsidian is taken from old versions, and is a tribute for developers and early stage of game which I was able to be part of. Some other vanilla textures was used to create "extended vanilla" features, such as wood variants of blocks.
Some WoB elements were also made by friends of mine, so these are also under their own rights.

Reposting sites, such as minecraft-inside.ru and other, are not officially approved. I rather won't do anything against that, as I feel it's quite tilting at windmills, and also these sites shares some of mod's showcase. I do not recommend downloading any files from them though, as I do not examine their files and they can contain malware. The only official places for WoB files (or my mod's files in general) are CurseForge, PlanetMinecraft and MCreator sites, as well as links posted in official Discord for my projects.

You can use WoB in your modpack freely! It's not required to mention any links, but of course it would be really nice addition :)


Port for 1.12.2 started 4th June 2021, and will try to add everything main version provides. Port development is separate, meaning versions will have different changelogs (but aiming for future parity as much as possible) and 1.12.2 version will rather use politics of small updates than huge ones. So, as 1.15/1.16 alpha versions will end on v0.a11, expect 1.12 port reaching much higher numbers.

1.12.2 porting progress can be found here.
Actual version is 12v0.a2 (click here to see already available features)

Remember that since I'm single developer of this mod and I know Java pretty badly, porting it will be slow. You can expect third public release in July, but that date can change, even radically, depending on my coding progress and free time.

If you use MCreator 2020.2 and know Java, you can also help with its development (use feedback report or join Discord for that).


Thank you to amazing people on MCreator site, for being so wholesome community, and to Pylo of MCreator for letting me make this mod without a whole lot of coding knowledge.

I would especially want to thank:
  • To my friend TotalBlackSmith for ormath models, sounds, ideas and bugfixing help. Check his awesome mod The Arcaneum, adding a lot of new bosses!
  • Seshua, who helped me at the beginning of creating Nether Avoider. Though I updated its mechanics, I'm really thankful that I was able to have such important block that early thanks to his coding guidance.

Thanks a lot, and see you on airship!


CreditTotalBlackSmith - for some models & sounds, Sajevius - for ormath trade GUI texture, DylanVHS - for various textures
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

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12/30/2022 2:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CloneTrooper873's Avatar
will more firearm's will be added in the future?
07/25/2021 8:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Redskull123's Avatar
1.17.1 please
03/13/2022 3:58 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Toma400's Avatar
Done :D
07/25/2021 11:31 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Toma400's Avatar
I will do it once MCreator supports 1.17.1 version! Although I'm afraid it will be available on CurseForge then, as 1.16.5 file for latest snapshot is larger than 15 MB and can't be uploaded here :/
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