Minecraft Mods

VoxelSniper Regions

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Empire92's Avatar Empire92
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Batman

This plugins will restrict the use of VoxelSniper to regions you are the owner of.

A region can be from any of the plugins listed below.


VoxelSniper (Wiki Link)
ProtocolLib (REQ for fast-mode in v0.3.0)
- 1 or more from the list below:


Grief Prevention
Precious Stones

[Restrict WorldEdit]: WorldeditRegions


v0.3.0 drastically improves the performance of the plugin
- Edits outside the region are denied instantly
- Edits inside the region are only marginally slower than using VS on it's own.
- Mostly untested.
v0.2.0 or lower:
When you use a brush, the plugin checks what blocks are changed, if a snipe extends outside your current region, it will be immediately undone (there is no delay)
This plugin in it's current state has a noticeable impact on the performance of VoxelSniper.
It is recommended to not use these version if performance is important to you.


- Download this plugin as well as the required dependencies listed above and put them in your plugin folder
- Restart the server, or load the plugins using a plugin manager
- Add the permissions you see fit to players on your serve (list below)
- You may need to follow similar installation instructions for the other plugins.


vsr.factionsAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.worldguardAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.plotmeAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.residenceAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.griefpreventionAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.preciousstonesAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.townyAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.notifyWill tell you if you have no VoxelSniper Region
vsr.notify.greetingWill tell you if you enter a VoxelSniper Region
vsr.notify.farewellWill tell you if you leave a VoxelSniper Region
vsr.bypassAllows you to snipe anywhere

Please note they will still need permission for VoxelSniper

[Useful Links]

- Developer API

- VSR on GitHub

- Screenshots (Coming soon)
View detailed stats
Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Empire92 04/29/2014 7:41:59 amApr 29th, 2014

Version: 0.3.2
Fixed some minor bugs
- Some issues with spigot should be resolved (hopefully)
- Reformatted some strings
Added cooldown-brush-size option in the config.yml (any brush with equal or larger radius is effected by the cooldown)
Version 0.3.1
Added cooldown option in config.yml (measured in milliseconds)
- Set to -1 for no cooldown
- Permission to bypass cooldown "vsr.cooldown.bypass"
Added several commands
- /vsr reload - perm: vsr.reload
- /vsr help - perm: vsr.help
- /vsr credits - perm: vsr.credits
Externalized additional strings.

Version 0.3.0
Slight code cleanup:
- Changed package name
- Renamed several classes
- Removed dead code
- Changed the formatting a bit
- Moved some stuff away from the main class
Minor bug fixes
- Removed duplicate region masks
VSR will intercept packets (if ProtocolLib is installed)
- Set fast-mode to true to use packets.
- VSR will prefer to intercept the packet rather than use the PlayerInteractEvent.
- VSR will cancel/approve packets where the edit is clearly in or clearly out of the region
- This allows VSR to cancel the packet before VoxelSniper gets their hands on it.
- VSR no longer checks every single block. If an edit is outside the region, it is instantly cancelled.

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05/25/2015 1:17 pm
Level 40 : Master Pokemon
Maticrack's Avatar
There is no version for forge 1.7.10?
04/11/2014 1:46 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
That's freakin awesome
04/09/2014 5:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
canopenertrooper's Avatar
I'll definatly be using this on my server. Thanks for the mod, seems like a really useful one that is under-stated
04/08/2014 11:55 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Batman
Empire92's Avatar
@DiabolusNeil - Thanks!

@syncoinc - I'd appreciate that.
04/08/2014 11:21 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
Very nicely done, I will show this to the dev of plotme (he is an admin and dev for the server i am admin on) and see if he sees any bugs at this end for plotme
04/06/2014 11:02 am
Level 38 : Artisan Mage
DiabolusNeil's Avatar
Looks awesome!
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