Minecraft Mods

VoteTokens Plugin

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forseth11's Avatar forseth11
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper


Vote tokens is a plugin that using Votifier to give you tokens (Trip wire hook) when you vote. You can use the voting tokens to then buy things in the token shop. The token shop is accessed by /tokenShop. It opens an inventory which can be configured. The items are used as buttons you can click to buy something with the vote tokens. The shop runs commands you set in the config when someone buys it. It replaces {name} in the command with their name. You can setup your shop to use vote tokens to buy in game money or even buy a donor rank. When votes are sent and the player is not online it will give the player their tokens when they get on as long as the server has not been reloaded or restarted. If you find any bugs please leave a comment or a ticket.

Required Plugins

Votifier - Without it you can not get tokens by voting.


  • /TokenShop - This opens up the token shop.


  • VoteTokens.Shop - Gives access to /TokenShop


  • tokensPerVote: 5 - How many tokens someone gets each time they vote.
  • shop:
  • size: 9 - This is the size of the inventory (Must be a multiple of 9)
  • items: - This is the list of items in the shop.
  • - money
  • - diamond After you list the items you have to put this somewhere in the config: item:
  • price: 10 - This is how many tokens you need to buy the item.
  • commands:
  • - eco give {name} 1000 - This is a command that is run when you buy the item. ({name} is replaced with the players name)
  • returnMessage: '&eYou used {price} voting tokens to get $1000.' - This is the message the player gets when they buy the item.
  • displayItem: - This is the item shown in the shop.
  • id: 266 - This is the id of the item shown in the shop.
  • data: 0 - This is the durability of the item shown in the shop. (AKA id:data)
  • name: '&bItem name' - This is the name of the item in the shop
  • lore: - This list is the lore of the item.
  • - '&e&lTokens: {price}' - {price} is replaced with how many tokens are needed to buy this item.
  • - '&aSome other part of the lore.'
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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