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Owlie453's Avatar Owlie453
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Vanish53 2.0 BETA

Vanish53 offers a multitude of tools to assist in the detection, validation, and prevention of player cheating, hacking, and “griefing”. Including the ability vanish and stay hidden from players with confidence.

Vanish53 2.0 is quite different from its earlier versions. It would benefit you greatly to read this entire description before installing and using this plugin.

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Vanish53 2.0 Features:

· Join your server silently and vanished to avoid detection
· Toggle your vanished state silently without detection or loudly with effects and custom join/quit messages
· Comprehensive user interaction handlers to keep you vanished and protected from accidental discovery
· Silently open chests and other containers
· Right-click players to view their inventories
· Look in other players’ EnderChests
· Hooks to other plugins to keep your vanish even more secure
· Each Vanish53 user has their own personal configuration and can toggle settings in-game and save their configurations on the fly.

Vanish53 Commands:

Command | Description | Usage

/v || Shows current state || /v, /vanish

/v || help Display Vanish53 help || /v help

/v flags || A list of changeable settings || /v flags {page}

/v (on/off) || Turn vanish on or off || /v on

/v (on/off) (S/L) || Use the silent or loud method || /v on s

/v set {flag} (on/off) || Toggle the specified setting on or off || /v set dd on

/v reload || Reload your settings from disk (mostly unused) || /v reload

/v ev {player} || View the enderchest of the specified player || /v ev Owlie453

/v reload plugin || Reloads the entire plugin (usually reserved for the owner) || /v reload plugin

Vanish53 Permissions:





Owner level permission

vanish, see, inv, ender, effects, edit, reload


Administrative level permissions

vanish, in, ender, effects, edit, reload


Moderator level permissions

Vanish, edit


Allows use of Vanish53 plugin


Allows users to see other vanished players and receive notifications when they join or quit the server


Allows the users to interact with player inventories. (opening chests, containers, or player inventories)


Allows the users to use the enderchest commands to view other players’ enderchests


Allows the user to trigger effects when vanishing and appearing


Allows the user to edit their configuration settins

Vanish53 Instructions & Notes:

· To install the plugin, simply place the .JAR file in your server’s plugins folder. Start or restart your server and verify the vanish53 directory was created. Once a player that possess the vanish53.vanish permission logs in, their personal configuration files will be created within the vanish53/users directory.

· To change your settings in-game, simply use the /v set command. You can see a list of flags and their descriptions by using /v flags. For example, if you wanted to be able to chat publicly while vanished you would use /v set dc off (to be read as “Vanish, set disable chat to off). And if you wanted to turn it back on you would use /v set dc on (“Vanish, set disable chat to on.”). This allows you to edit the amount of protection you have while vanished. These settings are enabled by default because most Vanish53 users want to keep themselves from accidentally giving away the fact that they are online and vanished.

· All of the above applies to toggling effects also. Let’s say you want a bolt of lightning to strike the area you vanished from. You would use /v set vl on (“Vanish, set vanishing lighting on.”). Or let’s say you want a specific item to drop in the location that you vanished from. For this you would use /v set vd on (“Vanish, set vanishing drops on.”) to turn on item dropping, and then you would set the item to be dropped with /v set vi emerald (“Vanish, set vanishing item to emeralds.”).

· Vanish53 has a soft dependency on the plugins that it will “hook”. For example, when you vanish, a command is sent to Essentials to tell the Essentials plugin that you are vanishing and to treat all Essentials commands that have anything to do with you as if you were not present. If you do not have essentials on your server, Vanish53 will still work as advertised. You do not need the plugins that Vanish53 hooks in to, but if you do have them, Vanish53 will try to utilize them to make your vanish even more secure.

· Vanish53 will automatically update itself. You can turn this setting off in the main configuration file by setting “update: true” to “update: false”. It is recommended that you leave this to true as Vanish53 will be update quite frequently over the next month. Before you submit any reports, be sure that you have the latest version.

· This is a BETA version of Vanish53 2.0, and as such, I hope everyone will take the time to report any unusual errors or server log entries. The success of Vanish53 2.0 will rely on these reports as there are literally hundreds of different server configurations out there and I am only able to test this plugin within my means. Please, do not hesitate to message me with any questions, comments, ideas, criticism, or bug reports. I will do my absolute best to resolve any issues as fast as possible.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Owlie453 07/16/2014 2:27:05 pmJul 16th, 2014

Updates coming in the near future.

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06/16/2019 3:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ReaperKing925's Avatar
where do i find my servers plugin folder?
joshua 5048
09/03/2014 6:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
joshua 5048's Avatar
how do i put it on my MC
02/01/2014 12:57 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
hawkek's Avatar
Very nice, diamond for you!
01/31/2014 3:34 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
Pixel_King's Avatar
Does this conflict with Essential's vanish command?
02/01/2014 12:03 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Owlie453's Avatar
If you have essentials on your server, it will work in concert with the essentials vanish command. You will be hidden from essentials commands, much like when you used to vanish with essentials, plus you get the use of Vanish53 effects and the added protection. So, when you toggle your vanish on or off, Vanish53 will also execute the essentials command to hide you as well. Which means you will be hidden from essentials /list, /msg, /tell, etc.
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