Minecraft Mods

Uwell Technology mod 1.12.2

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_DaniX's Avatar _DaniX
Level 41 : Master Modder
Description mod English

This mod brings 5 ​​new materials with which you will be able to craft using a special machine 2 swords, one better than
the other and a drill that chops the blocks faster than creatively, it brings 3 machines necessary to process and craft some
new items, It also has two armor, one of a low level and one higher than diamond. It also comes with a biome and decorative
blocks such as wood and glass.

The mod will be updated in a few days, currently it has a problem with the
definition of the textures and in the next update new things will be
added along with a link to download a guide to all the crafting of the mod

Descripcion mod español

Este mod trae 5 nuevos materiales con los cuales vas a poder craftear mediante una maquina especial 2 espadas,
una mejor que la otra y un taladro que pica los bloques mas rapido que en creativo, trae 3 maquinas necesarias
para procesar y craftear algunos items nuevos , tambien trae dos armaduras, una de nivel un poco bajo y otra
superior al diamante. Tambien trae otor bioma y bloques decorativos como madera y cristal.

El mod sera actualizado en pocos dias, actualmente tiene un prblema con la definicion
de las texturas y en la proxima actualizacion seran agregadas nuevas cosas junto a un
link para descargar una guia de todos los crafteos del mod

Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by _DaniX 05/29/2020 5:53:00 pmMay 29th, 2020


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05/17/2020 8:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kawaii_Deer's Avatar
Yea I'm getting it right now
05/18/2020 3:46 am
Level 41 : Master Modder
_DaniX's Avatar
Thanks bro , coming soon i create a new mod better than this, with more good things, i am creating , coming soon upload the new mod :)
05/30/2020 11:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kawaii_Deer's Avatar
Welcome Bro
05/14/2020 1:16 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
_DaniX's Avatar
New Update!!
Bugs Fixeds
05/13/2020 9:24 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
timetravellingBlockhead's Avatar
thiis looks pretty neat, ii'm goiing to try iit
05/14/2020 1:15 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
_DaniX's Avatar
Download right now de mod, i actualized this and bugs fixed
Planet Minecraft


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