Minecraft Mods


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smmmadden's Avatar smmmadden
Level 31 : Artisan Crafter
Version 1.0.7 now includes 16 new recipes! Now you can get concrete from concrete powders for all sixteen colors. No longer are you forced to place water on concrete powder to then scoop the water up and break the concrete block. For those who have created automatic concrete makers to do the same, you can eliminate those and craft what you want. Inside the zip/jar file there is a text file with all sixteen recipes. Enjoy!

Version 1.0.6
introduces some changes to achievement descriptions but also includes XP Points and a new Leveling system as you find Gravels and Smelting them for Glass. Full changelog can be read from here.

Version 1.0.5
now includes achievements / advancements for all colored gravels so you can track all the gravels you've found. Additionally, the logic in the spawning of gravels has been reduced so that it doesn't over populate your world - as colorful as it may be. Now, you'll see the colored gravel in the Overworld and Nether less frequently, but still available to find.

This mod introduces 24 colored gravels, with 16 single colored and an additional 8 multi-colored gravels. Providing players with alternatives for decorating walkways, getting colored glass without needing dye and getting colored concrete powders when mixing/crafting with sand.
  • Smelting all colored Gravels will create the colored glass resembling it. The multi-colored gravels allows the dye's to be added to create the glass of that block. For example, you can add Blue, Green or Pink Dye for the Blue, Green & Pink Gravel block to produce glass colors of blue, green or pink.
  • Crafting sand and colored gravel will provide the equivalent colored Concrete Powder (without needing the dye). The multi-colored crafting allows players to create the colored concrete powder resembling it.
  • Colored Gravel behavior is akin to vanilla minecraft gravel in that the only difference is its color, so the same rules apply where gravel will fall when no block is under it, walking on the colored gravel has the same sound and all colored gravels.
  • All gravels can be found in the same world levels as vanilla minecraft on levels 1 to 111 and in the Nether on levels 63 & 65.

  • TmTmc Gravels Lineup (16 single color - 8 multi-color)
  • Creative Inventory of Colored Gravel
  • JEI (Just Enough Inventory) Search bar Integration
  • JEI (Just Enough Inventory) Inventory Integration
  • Smelting Colored Gravel for Colored Glass
    • To smelt colored gravel, use a block of coal and the colored gravel you want to get the glass for. For example, White Gravel will smelt into White Stained Glass.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Crafting Colored Gravel and Sand for Colored Concrete Powder
    • To craft colored concrete powder, use a 4 blocks of sand and 4 colored gravel for the color of concrete powder you want to get For example, Brown Gravel will craft into Brown Concrete Powder.

  • Crafting Multi-Colored Gravel and Sand for Colored Concrete Powder With Dye
    • To craft multi-colored concrete powder, use a 4 blocks of sand and 4 multi-colored gravel and the color of dye matching the colors in the gravel and the concrete powder block you want to get. For example, the Black, Yellow, Green, Orange & Blue Colored Gravel let's you add the same 5 colored dyes to craft into the Concrete Powder Color you want. The orange dye below is used to craft the orange color from the gravel into the Orange Concrete Powder.​​​​​​​

  • Crafting Colored Concrete from Colored Concrete Powder - v1.0.7
    • To craft colored concrete, use a 8 blocks of concrete powder and 1 water bucket (in the center) to get 8 concrete of that color. Simple and quick!

This mod is made with MCreator mod maker. If you want to make a mod too, check their website https://mcreator.net/

Tested and Supported on: Forge Minecraft Build 2768 for 1.12.2, Single & Multiplayer

Dependencies: Place mod file in both Server & Client mods folder. If using on Private Single World, just the clients mods folder is enough. For example, on my Minecraft Client, I would put the mod file here: C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods

Author/Owner: smmmadden

Colored Gravel Details: Open Colored Gravel Details Table

TmTmc-ModPack-1.0: Our modpack includes this mod, TmTmc-OresAndMore, the TmTmc-ResourcePack and several other compatible mods to round out your game play experience.

ModPack Use: You are permitted to include my mod in your modpack as long as it is not changed in any way and includes all files from this site. Kindly give credit when you do. :-)

Maps/Worlds Tested: Pokécube Revival, Space Expedition EPIC 204, Single Player Private

Website: https://www.TakeMeTo-Minecraft.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/Gn6YW6a
Category: Materials and ores
CreditBuilt using MCreator v1.8.3 thru 1.9.1
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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