Minecraft Mods

ThomiumMod - Ores, tools, blocks and mobs!

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ThommyGames06's Avatar ThommyGames06
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
ThomiumMod is developed by ThommyGames06. This mod adds items to Minecraft like ores, tools, mobs, blocks and other things over time.

No mod is required! -- It's recommended to install Just Enough Items for crafts...

Ores and tools features

In the current version, the mod adds the Thomium ore and Mallorite ore, with which we can create the associated tools and armor.

List of items (right to left -- up to down) :

- Thomium sword

- Thomium pickaxe

- Thomium Master pickaxe

- Thomium ingot

- Mallorite fragment

- Breaking Wand - Break any block

- Thomium axe

- Thomium shovel

- Armor stand with Thomium Armor

- Thomium apple

- Mallorite

- Teleportation Wand - Teleport anywhere

- Thomium Hoe

- Thomium ore

- Thomium nugget

- Mallorite ore

Armor, tools and ore

Decoration features

In the current version, the mod adds decorations blocks like red carpets and colored wood planks

List of items (right to left -- up to down) :

- Red carpets - Decor your house

Red carpet block

- Doghouse - Spawn a custom dog

- Wooden hammer - Break 3x3 blocks area

Doghouse and wooden hammer

Others features

In the current version, the mod adds a tea vegetal system, a laptop and a trash.

List of items (right to left -- up to down) :

- Cable

- Pixel

- Tea leaves

- Tea bag

- Screen

- Laptop

- Tea pot - Create tea cup with water bucket and tea bag

- Trash - Delete items

- Electronic component

- Tea cup - A classic tea cup drinkable

Laptop, tea and trash

- Tea plant

Tea plant
CreditContent Director : MalloStar06
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

1 Update Logs

1.16.5 Released ! : by ThommyGames06 04/27/2021 6:08:48 amApr 27th, 2021

The ThomiumMod is available in Minecraft 1.16.5!

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