Minecraft Mods

The X systems [1.6.4 - Forge] V.2_00.00 =Armor System Added & V.2 Update!=

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The Java Man's Avatar The Java Man
Level 25 : Expert Modder


Minecraft Modification!


Even though this is my first modification for minecraft I consider it well done and its one of a kind (not sure about that :S only known minecraft for like a month now :S)

The main idea with this mod came to me when I was playing the game, I thought that the Entity's (mobs) needed some 'upgrades' and so did the player (Steve) I then thought of the idea to make a modification that could change your game-play just a bit by adjusting some of the functions that are already implemented within the game. Jumping and fall damage was the first thing that crossed my mind xD

Now I had to figure a way to change these things throughout some kind of reputation/level system. Since minecraft already has a level system I used that to determine whether the player could unlock these abilities or not.

NOTE: The X systems, the 'X' means you can replace it with other words such as Player or Mob xD systems then changes to system, singular and no longer in plural.

Here is what has been added so far:

The 'Integer o' Meter'

So basically this has the texture of a compass, it keeps going around and if you hover over it, it tells you some different values like what the integer 'a' is equal to or if you are able to use the player powers and last if you have the powers turned on or off. That covers it up :P I got the name idea from JavaBuckets Star Wars Mod with their Force o' Meter.

The X Systems

When a player (EntityPlayer) hits level 100 on the level bar he/she then has the ability to open up The X systems GUI by pressing right_shift on the keyboard. This Gui has a couple of buttons taking you to the different system Gui's that the mod has to offer. (still a lot more in development xD)

The Player system

So with The Player System you have the ability to change the behavior of the player. Jumping higher, running faster, becoming stronger or even get no fall damage. All these abilities are achieved using the Level system in minecraft. A list of all the abilities and their level unlock will be shown below.

The Player system's Powers and Abilities:

  • Higher Jumping - At level: 100

  • No fall damage - At level: 100

  • Strength with bare hands - At level: 500

The Weapon System

With The Weapon System you unlock Strength and speed when holding different kinds of weapons. E.g. At level 225, when holding the Stone Sword, the player gets strength, only with Stone (but with wood and gold because their for lower levels) A list for all the levels and abilities is provided below.

The Weapon system's Powers and Abilities:

  • Strength Effect, Holding a Wooden Sword: At level: 200
  • Strength Effect, Holding a Golden Sword: At level: 200
  • Strength Effect, Holding a Stone Sword: At level: 225
  • Strength Effect, Holding an Iron Sword: At level: 250
  • Strength Effect, Holding a Bow: At level: 275
  • Strength Effect, Holding a Diamond Sword: At level: 300

  • Speed Effect, Holding a Wooden Sword: At level: 300
  • Speed Effect, Holding a Golden Sword: At level: 300
  • Speed Effect, Holding a Stone Sword: At level: 325
  • Speed Effect, Holding an Iron Sword: At level: 350
  • Speed Effect, Holding a Bow: At level: 375
  • Speed Effect, Holding a Diamond Sword: At level: 400

There is also an Easter egg when level 500, try guessing XD

The Armor System

As of Version 2 The Armor System is now in the mod! basically its like the Weapon system, you get a potion effect whenever you wear something xD This time though, you have to be wearing armor, and you have to be wearing the whole set, meaning full leather, full gold or full chain armor. (To obtain chain armor download another mod which adds in the ability to do so)

The Armor system's Powers and Abilities:

  • Resistance Effect, with full Leather Armor: At level: 150
  • Resistance Effect, with full Gold Armor: At level: 150
  • Resistance Effect, with full Iron Armor: At level: 175
  • Resistance Effect, with full Chain Armor: At level: 200
  • Resistance Effect, with full Diamond Armor: At level: 225

That's it for now :S I know it may seem like a little but I will keep on adding new features and systems until I'm satisfied and you're satisfied with the modification xD See you in the comments!

Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by The Java Man 12/27/2013 7:56:55 pmDec 27th, 2013

Whats up my buddies!

So i finally got the YouTube account working and uploaded a video!!!
A mod review i recorded a little earlier, hasn't been edited though and sadly nu custom thumbnail since i can't do that yet :S

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2R-n9VjjEo
But it will also be featured on the post.

While we are here, here is what i have been working on the whole day:

  • The Armor System
  • 2 new Systems (both for mobs)
  • GUI improvement
  • The Integer o' Meter

I also have some plans for other things but for now thats it, all this will be in the daily update tomorrow (as said before daily updates might become a thing, but probably only during this vacation) Anyhow hope you guys are enjoying the mod! please leave a comment with feedback and go ahead and hit that download button! this mod is really better than what it look like, it's kinda hard to illustrate on a picture :S

- Peace Out!

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04/18/2014 11:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MajorLeagueCrafters's Avatar
Hey, this looks like a pretty cool mod! I'll probably review it and maybe use it in my modded survival with my friends!
12/26/2013 4:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
runescapefan's Avatar
could be fun
The Java Man
12/27/2013 2:16 pm
Level 25 : Expert Modder
The Java Man's Avatar
? LOL XDDD this comment makes me laugh so much :P what do you mean :3 ?
12/28/2013 2:58 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
runescapefan's Avatar
if it worked with the 1.6 version of Level up more health and some other mods i use this could help with bosses and tough mobs from orespawn if you can't get any good materials only diamonds
The Java Man
12/28/2013 12:53 pm
Level 25 : Expert Modder
The Java Man's Avatar
ahh i see! xD yea the thought of the mod is that it should go well with mod packs like a little extra thing for people with very high levels, since to achieve level 200 is not the easiest thing xD

NOTE: I love runescape too xD
12/28/2013 9:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
runescapefan's Avatar
because of the recent update i can't really play it because it's to laggy
The Java Man
12/28/2013 10:14 pm
Level 25 : Expert Modder
The Java Man's Avatar
ahh, i feel for you ! xD
12/25/2013 11:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The17thDoctor's Avatar
Not as good as ZP Combat....Find an idea thats like this:

Any type of power/ability mod.
Like a shape shifter mod with a shape shifting GUI. (DO NOT MAKE THE NEED FOR AN ITEM TO OPEN THE GUI)
GUI should have automatically already on it
Press "G" to open the GUI, and press "A" to turn on or off the abilities of the Mob you chose.
Super Hero Mod:
When you spawn in, you already have all the abilities of a superhero.
Double Space to fly and have it look like the ZP Combat mod (but make the arms go in front like superman :))
If you hit a mob, it dies instantly. Enderdragon takes 10 hits to die.
You can increase or decrease speed for flying OR walking/running.
Use laser eyes by pressing "W"
The Java Man
12/26/2013 11:18 am
Level 25 : Expert Modder
The Java Man's Avatar
not as good as ZP Combat !? please don compare this mod to other mods :S

Besides I'm not going to add in user-suggestions as of yet, since this mod is my first, so I want to test as much as possible. This is not a superhero mod by the way :S it's a mod that adds in new and more efficient ways to move around or kill monsters, mining, woodcutting and whatnot XD

- The Java Man
12/26/2013 11:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
The17thDoctor's Avatar
I mean make one xD since this one sucks badly :)
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