Minecraft Mods

The Magic Box [Alpha/Forge 1.6.4]

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ASHninja97's Avatar ASHninja97
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
This mod offers a new perspective on random events. It has the same principal as Pandora's Box and the Mystery Box Mod, but is entirly different. Instead of finding it randomly in the world or clicking on it in your inventory you build it. The Magic Box is a machine that randomly gives you any survival based materials (naturally found or crafted).Its source of power is Emerald, Diamond, Vulcan, Krag, and Mineral Powder and creates any item out of Mutable Goo.Mutable Goo, also known as Mythgoo, is found naturally in the world trapped inside the Impregnable Stone. The Impregnable Stone is almost indestructible but has one weakness, the Diamond Pick-axe.Impregnable Stone is found in every biome resting on top of the its surface (Not Yet Implemented!).

This mod is currently in Alpha and doesn't have some of the features added into it yet!!
Please tell me about any Bugs, Glitches, Problems etc.

I need your opinion, if you believe certain items should not be matched with their current powder please inform me. I am very busy keeping track of aspects of this and other mods and would greatly appreciate your suggestions.

Will fix Image size in the next few days.

Crafting and Information (click on the spoiler's)
Mineral Powder
Mineral is the weakest among the five powders, and is the simplest to create.
It targets the easy crafted and most commonly found items such as cobblestone, wooden planks, Redstone, mine-carts, and basically anything else that is simple to get/craft.
Krag Powder
Krag is the second in the list, giving it is the second easiest to create, but it unlike all the other powders it not limited to any sector of items.
It can randomly give you any item from dirt blocks to diamonds.

Diamond Powder
Diamond is the third powder giving because of its medium strength. It can turn Mythical Goo into any medium level item such as TNT, Obsidian, Mycelium, Blaze powder.
Some Items that might not seem useful but are still slightly difficult to obtain or find are still placed here (Mycelium being the example).

Emerald Powder
Emerald powder has the magical ability to generate potions and enchanted books from the Mythical Goo.
From regeneration to harming potions and punch to sharpness enchantments Emerald Powder can mold it all.

Vulcan Powder
Vulcan being the strongest powder is used only for one purpose, to supple the rarest and more precious items such as Enchantment Tables, Golden Apples, and Diamond/Gold products.
The most rare and desirable items are placed molded from the Vulcan Powder.

Ender Gem Stone
The Ender Gem Stone is part of the AATI mod (ASHninja's Automatic Item Teleporting).
 In the Magic Box mod it allows Items to automatically teleport from the Magic Box to a chest (as long as that chest has a Ender Gem Stone in it).
Building Blocks
Impregnable Stone
The Impregnable Stone is a ancient stone that was once a whole, but when it crashed in the world it burned up in the atmosphere and split off into smaller portions that went various directions.
Inside the stone is Mutable Goo and the only way to obtain it is to break the Impregnable Stone with a Diamond Pick-axe.

Decoration Blocks
Magic Box
The Magic Box is what this entire mod is based upon.
It has the ability to contain the power of five certain powders: Mineral, Krag, Diamond, Emerald, and Vulcan.
It takes the fumes produced by these powders when burned and concentrates it onto a item commonly known as Mutable Goo. When the fumes come into contact with the Mutable Goo it can mold it into something else. Any Item that can be found or crafted in survival mod (with a few exceptions) can be created using Mutable Goo. The Magic Box is also equipped with the AAIT (ASHninja's Automatic Item Teleporter) feature that allows, in this specific mod, to automatically teleport items generated from the Magic Box to a chest (as long as that chest has a Ender Gem Stone in it)(AAIT, Not Yet Implemented!).

Golden Leather
Diamond Leather
Magic Box
Impregnable Stone
Vulcan Powder
Emerald Powder
Diamond Powder
Krag Powder
Minerial Powder
Going to Add
AAIT Mod (ASHninja's Automatic Item Teleporation)
The powder concepts, and anything else you suggest to perfect.

A mod made to enhance the concept of random events.
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

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09/27/2014 6:54 am
He/Him • Level 72 : Legendary Nerd Nerd
Irish's Avatar
If the stones came down like meteorites then why isn't there any damage to the landscape? Maybe you should add a small crater to make it prettier and harder to spot
09/27/2014 12:16 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
That......is a very cool idea, I originally thought about just having the bits of the meteorite sit on the very top layer, but for some odd reason I coulden't get it implemented and chose to post the mod and fix it in the next update, but now I will add the crater effect. Man, that is a awesome idea thanks :D
09/25/2014 2:11 am
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
MtnDewey's Avatar
Nice mod dude, your vocabulary is outstanding! I would love to review this mod, it's one of my favorites, being very well thought out and scientific(ish). Anyways, get back to me about the mod review... I'll probably record it tomorrow when I have time and post it tomorrow night. Thanks!
09/25/2014 8:08 am
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
That would be great getting a mod review from someone so high ranked. I really appreciate your comment, thanks.
09/24/2014 9:39 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
xLonexWolvzx's Avatar
You really should rename the "Impregnable Stone". It isn't truly impregnable if you simply change your tool of choice to a diamond pickaxe. 'Resilient Stone' would perhaps suit the block better. But overall, nice mod!
09/25/2014 7:59 am
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
Good point, I will put this the next update.Thanks :D
09/25/2014 2:08 am
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
MtnDewey's Avatar
i second this comment
09/22/2014 9:38 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
Natsu219's Avatar
:P... Well, I love it XD
09/22/2014 3:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
spartanmg879's Avatar
Would you like if i did a mod showcase?
09/22/2014 8:08 am
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
Ya, that would be great!
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