Minecraft Mods

[Angry Pixel] The Betweenlands Mod

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dmf444's Avatar dmf444
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
[Angry Pixel] The Betweenlands Mod Minecraft Mod

The Betweenlands is a mod developed by the Angry Pixel modding group for the indie sandbox construction game, Minecraft. This large and expansive mod focuses on a whole new fully fleshed-out dimension for Minecraft with a plethora of exciting new content that offers a totally independent survival experience.

The Betweenlands dimension is a dark, swampy realm crawling with strange, monstrous creatures. It is the dimension that the majority of the mod revolves around.

Features include -
  • A complete independent survival experience with hours of gameplay
  • A whole new dimension to survive in
  • Many new creatures and monsters to fight
  • Bosses to defeat
  • Plenty of unique biomes and structures to explore and loot, from towering fortresses to scattered underground ruins
  • An extensive herblore system that allows you to create over 30 unique infusions from 14 different aspects found in plants
  • A unique farming system with several new crop types
  • Over 300 new blocks to build with, including various machine blocks and a whole lot of plant life
  • Over 350 new items, including lots of unique weapons and loot, complete tool and armour sets, plenty of food items, new raw materials, scraps of lore and more
  • Over 250 new sounds, including 7 immersive ambient tracks and 33 music tracks
  • Lots of new mechanics, including food sickness, corrosion of tools, decay of the player, and a combat circle revolving around 3 new gem items
  • Randomly occuring events, including changes in the weather as well as sometimes more supernatural occurrences
  • Special built-in custom shader effects to make the worlds look even prettier
  • Multiplayer compatibility so you can survive with your friends
  • ...and much, more more!

[Angry Pixel] The Betweenlands Mod Minecraft Mod

Lore -

During the time when the Overworld and Nether were just being born, this dimension existed as little other than a void of nothingness, but energy seeped into it, giving it potential to grow. Eventually, an interdimensional rift appeared, allowing life force to populate this dimension. A race of NPCs inhabited it, including Revil O' Elcanrab, a powerful Druid. He and his followers worked to twist the Nether's evil into a weapon of peace. However, when they opened the portal in this dimension, evil surged out into it. This caused the NPCs to become Wights. Revil O' Elcanrab himself became the Prime Wight, and he now wielded power over this dimension. He caused the Betweenlands to become a swampy, deathly land, as it is now. After much time, a traveler (the player) found their way to the dimension.

Features -

The air is so foul that any creature breathing it slowly decays. The realm has no day/night cycle. Clocks, maps, redstone, flint and steel, and compasses are useless here. Due to the warm and wet environment of The Betweenlands, food from other dimensions rots when traveling through the portal to this dimension, becoming Rotten Food.

As Flint and Steel cannot operate in the dimension, there is an alternative way to creating a fire. Simply hold right-click Moss, Cave Moss, or Thorns (either placed or dropped, both block and item forms work) with an Octine Ingot to light it on fire. The ingot will cause the plant to slowly build up flame until it turns into a fire block, without consuming the ingot in the process. This is essential for getting an Infuser started.

Torches will not work here, and you will require Sulfur Torches instead. Along with that, tools from other dimensions will be diminished in effectiveness in the Betweenlands, prompting the player to use the Betweenlands tools. However, Betweenlands tools in your inventory will undergo Corrosion.

How to access -

The Betweenlands can be accessed by creating a Portal Tree, which contains four portals to the dimension. For more information on how to access the dimension, visit the How to get there page.

Environment -

The Betweenlands revolves around a swampy-like theme. It has a randomly generated, animated green sky dotted with mysterious, hazy stars. These skies have Auroras from time to time, one of the last sparks of happiness in the dimension. The once verdant soil retains a very dead green color.

The dimension is composed of Swamplands, Patchy Islands, Coarse Islands, Sludge Plains, Deep Waters, and Marshes. The Middle Gem Ores can be found within a couple of these biomes. These biomes are crawling with very thick and uncontrolled flora and fauna, and some contain remnants of long lost civilizations in the form of Small Ruins, Dungeons, and Idol Head Statues, among other mysterious structures. There is one rare major dungeon landmark, the Wight Fortress, that is central to progression. The Betweenlands may give birth to new biomes in the future and will receive more structures, such as Tribe Settlements.

The Lake Caverns, or Pitstone layer of The Betweenlands. It houses Valonite Ore, and Life Crystal Ore.

The Betweenlands's default tree is the small Weedwood Tree, although there are bigger variations. The dimensions also provides Sap Trees, Rubber Trees, and Dead Trees. More trees are to come in the future.
The dimension carries a whole underground system with ores such as Sulfur Ore,Slimy Bone Ore, Octine Ore, Syrmorite Ore, Valonite Ore, and Life Crystal Ore. The caves themselves are often wide and house underground flora and dripping stalactites, along with echoing cave ambiance.

There are two main locations of the Betweenlands's underground structure: The Caverns and the Lake Caverns.

The Betweenlands only has two underground structures at the moment, and those are the Tar Dungeon, located in the Caverns layer, and the Underground Ruins, located in the Lake Caverns layer. Ancient Temples and more will be arriving in the future.

[Angry Pixel] The Betweenlands Mod Minecraft Mod

Forum thread -

Twitter -

Wiki -

Lots more information as well as lengthy, in-depth guides for the mod can be found on the official wiki, and you can follow @BetweenlandsDev on twitter for updates on development.


"How do you install this mod?"
The Betweenlands is installed just like any other Forge mod. Just install the Forge API (you can use an installer) and drop the Betweenlands .jar file into the mods folder that should appear in .minecraft.

"Why is my game crashing?"
First and foremost, make sure that you are using the correct version of Minecraft and the most up-to-date version of Forge API for that version. Another common cause for crashes are the mod's built-in shaders, which do not work on all computers. To fix this disable them manually in the mod's config file found in .minecraft/config/thebetweenlands. Since the mod has not been released for a along time, certain mods may not work with it. If you can tell which mod is incompatible, report it and we will look into it eventually. If you aren't sure what is causing the crash, then just leave a report and we will try to get back to you.

"My screen is totally black! Have I gone blind?"
Probably not, no. If this happens to you, I'm guessing you're using Optifine, in which case you need to turn "Fast Render" in the settings to OFF.

"How do I report a crash?"
You can leave a reply on this thread. Be sure to include the crash log, but always put in a spoiler or post it on something like pastebin.com otherwise we will not address the issue.

"How do I report a bug?"
Just let us know here, or make an issue on the Github page.

"Can I make a suggestion?"
Sure, but just keep in mind that we have tons of ideas of our own that we would like to implement.

"Will you update the mod to 1.9?"
We are currently working on updating the mod to MC 1.9. We have no ETA currently as it will take quite a while to do.

"So... when is the next update?"
When it's ready. Seriously, we have no idea you just gotta be patient.

"Can I include the mod in my modpack?"
As a rule we only allow modpacks hosted on CurseForge. Modpacks hosted on any other platform require written permission from I, MrCompost (the owner), under the joint agreement of the Angry Pixel modding group. In all cases, full credit must be given to the Angry Pixel group.

"Will the mod work on my server?"
Yup, the mod is completely multiplayer compatible.

The Betweenlands mod has a comprehensive team of talented people behind its creation. Their development team is calledAngry Pixel.

Project manager -

Code -
TheCyberBrick, Vadis365, Imdutch21, pau101, BobMowzie

Textures -
MrCompost, TripleHeadedSheep

Models -

Music -
Voog2, Scarecrowman, Skrylionix

Sound effects -

Additional code -
Lexiconn, MrCompost, OnyxDarkNight, SanAndreasP

Additional textures -
Stealthgert, WightofShadows, Dylan4Ever

Additional models -
Vahkiti, MrCompost

Additional sounds -
TripleHeadedSheep, Freesound.org

Wiki maintenance -

Special thanks -
Aginsun, Cricket, FairWolf, Fish2, Hologuard, Hwd45, Iridium616, Ivorius, KazunariAkito, Laskeri, Mr_okushama, PhuckYuToo, Quintinity, RandumbDude, RazzleberryFox, Robonix, Sagotomi, Sartharis, Stealthgert, Vazkii, XCompWiz, ZeuX, calebmanley, daveyx0, kiko0804 and probably many more!

All of the dedicated fans who showed their love and support for this project during its development. We couldn't have done it without you!

MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - , Original author(s) of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.


2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.


This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely with the exception of CurseForge modpacks. All other mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER under the joint agreement of the Angry Pixel modding group. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation. In any cases, full credit to the Angry Pixel modding group must be given.

This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms. Use of small sections of code is allowed as long as the result is transformation. The code may also be viewed and learned from for educational purposes.

Note: I post this on behalf of Angry Pixel, the development team which I am a part of. Proof of this can be seen here: https://twitter.com/BetweenlandsDev/status/736251584955486209
CreditAngry Pixel, including MrCompost, BobMowzie, iLexiconn, imdutch21, pau101, Scarecrowman, TheCyberBrick, TripleHeadedSheep, Vadis365, voog2, WightofShadows
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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01/06/2017 11:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Platinum_Fox's Avatar
I just found this and it looks absolutely amazing! I will download. I do have some questions. I might show this to a friend and there is a chance we could end up recording game play and making a lets play on youtube. is that allowed? Also, does this add anything to the over world? I did not see the above mentioning anything but i am just curious.
Devi The Panda
07/10/2016 9:24 pm
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda's Avatar
Okay so I have an AMD A6-3620 Graphics card and the mod lags the crap out of me.
I do have optifine installed (All settings on fast/off/low) and still getting a solid 5-9 FPS.
Do you have any idea how to get the FPS to rise to at least 35?

The FPS is worse then when I use Shaders.
07/10/2016 4:44 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
MediaMix1's Avatar
I'm actually making my first mod right now! :D

I currently wish to name it "Ore-Verload". It'll feature a tonne of minerals, tools, armor, and other mineral-related items that can be found in a cool new dimension! Because this will literally be my first mod ever, I'm planning on using MCreator to help make the mod. I'm aware it's rather limited compared to the traditional means of modding, but you should probably know how the saying goes - start small, then work your way up. :)
07/08/2016 5:08 am
Level 48 : Master Batman
RedDod1821's Avatar
07/07/2016 11:38 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Painter
2Blizzardmc's Avatar
A cooler Aether or Twilight forest. Truly incredible, thank you Angry Pixel for developing this mod for the community out of your own time. Truly amazing.
07/05/2016 9:27 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Archer
_September_'s Avatar
Does it work with Forge?
07/06/2016 3:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrCompost's Avatar
It requires Forge, yes.
07/06/2016 4:46 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Archer
_September_'s Avatar
Thank you.
07/05/2016 4:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrCompost's Avatar
*tips Explorer's Hat*
07/05/2016 2:04 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Zombie
Remeber's Avatar
dude... this is beautiful. I really like the aspect of food/tools/yourself rotting. it reminds me of an area in the game runescape that I cant remember the name of...
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