Minecraft Mods

Terrific Transportation [Public Beta]

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EwyBoy's Avatar EwyBoy
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
This mod is in development right now and contains a lot of unfinished features, glitches and bugs.This is just a alpha version for you to play around with while Rushmead & me is developing the mod.


Hallo there people who love modded Minecraft!

EwyBoy here! 

I am proud to finally introduce a brand new method to transport things around your Minecraft world! Modular Smart Conveyors! Doesn't that sound terrific? This mod started out as a ModJam4 project. If you don't know what ModJam are, its basically a modding competition where a ton of modders have 92 hours to create a mod publish it and release it. After that the community votes on each others mods and the winners usually get some awesome rewards. I made this mod with my friend Rushmead, and we will keep updating the mod forward. But let's talk a bit about what this mod has to offer.

Our Vision
If you have played modded Minecraft before you have probably seen conveyor tracks from other mods like MFR or Extra Utility's. The problem I find with these mods conveyor belt systems are they are very limited (no offense to the authors (I respect em so much)). My vision was and still is to create a conveyor belt network capable of replacing the "piping" system overflowing all mod packs. But how could I do that?

First we made the conveyors "smart". By smart I mean the conveyors know whats around them. If there is a inventory in front, the model and the codes changes up, to prepare the conveyor to export or import from that inventory. No longer do you have to craft a import or export conveyor and the place it. The conveyor AI already know that. Another example is if there is a hopper underneath the conveyor. The conveyor updates its model to create a square hole in itself so the items can fall through and into the hopper underneath. Basically the conveyors knows that is around them and knows how to interact with the environments.

To get a even more advanced and better conveyor belt system we wanted the conveyors to be modular. The consent of the modules are simple. Each conveyor can store up to 4 modular each. The modules are graphically displayed as SD cards. This feature is to give the player a total configurable conveyor network. If he wants a fast conveyor network to transport things fast, throw in 4 speed modules. Other modules like the light module that makes the conveyor emit light is an alternative. Another module centers the items to the middle of the conveyor to make it more stable and keeps the entity's a bit easier on the track. The modules are basically giving you the freedom to configure your network for your intended use. 

The conveyors are really flexible, they can turn, climb upwards and downwards and make crossroads. That's something other conveyor mods aren't capable of. They are also coded with a nice looking 3D model that's changing shape for different situations.
Here is the cool part! The conveyor can transport any entity around your Minecraft world. Everything from mine carts, to animals, mobs, ignited TNT or items. Every entity in the game. 

Video / Trailer / Spotlight:

This is the ModJam4 build made is 92 hours. It contain a lot of bugs and is not super stable. Try it at you own risk. But it’s super fun to play around with.
Live development:
The mod is being developed live at my twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/ewyboy

Want to support me?

You can find us on twitter: 

Planned features for the mod:
  •          Liquid transport support
  •          Energy transport support
  •          Better AI for the conveyors
  •          Better sorting solutions
  •          Colorizing of the conveyors
  •          Other mods integration
  •          A lot more!
CreditRushmead and ModJam
Progress70% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

4 Update Logs

Terrific Transportation v1.6 : by EwyBoy 09/22/2014 6:37:57 pmSep 22nd, 2014

Terrific Transportation v1.6 is a feature & rework update

As mentioned earlier, TT is going trough a rework period.
To day I have reworked the entire Item system in the mod. We no longer run a all items under same ID with dmg values anymore. This is because it is causeing a lot of problems ingame and makes everything harder to code aswell.

  • Entire Item class reworked
  • Entire Recipe class reworked
  • Added 9 new classes for seperate Items
  • Changed the structure of a lot of the item packages.
  • Added 2 new models to the conveyor engine.
  • Conveyors can now form T-Shapes
  • Conveyors can now form X-Shapes
  • Worked on rendering engine
  • Rendering working for the new models
  • Updated en_EN.lang file
  • Updated no_NO.lang file
  • Fixed bug caused by router
  • Fixed creative tab bug with names
  • Lots of minor stuff I can remember


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07/09/2015 10:24 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
coperman945's Avatar
Love This Mod! Now I Dont Need A Water Stream In Mob Traps! It Really Is Terrific Transportation!
06/17/2015 1:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Maks2103's Avatar
like a minefactory reloaded
wesley 10santos
12/09/2014 3:23 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
wesley 10santos's Avatar
It wont work
11/22/2014 3:39 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
KisoTv's Avatar
show recipes!in pictures
09/26/2014 11:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
RioHach2222's Avatar
I dig the mod :D
09/27/2014 7:27 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
EwyBoy's Avatar
09/24/2014 8:52 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Spruill7716's Avatar
09/25/2014 6:37 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
EwyBoy's Avatar
We are working on a big update now to make the mod ready for the FTB modpacks so it should be fix by the next release. Until then the client version will be the only one working.
Toth Sami
09/23/2014 6:57 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Toth Sami's Avatar
Super mod now i can mine easier
09/23/2014 7:35 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
EwyBoy's Avatar
I am glad to help!
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