Minecraft Mods

TekkitRestrict [1.14 Release] Plugin for [Tekkit 3.1.2 / 3.1.3]

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dreadend's Avatar dreadend
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
Hello guys!

I'm here today to post my plugin TekkitRestrict.



Essentially, this is a bukkit plugin that integrates with the tekkit mods and applies several fixes that "vanilla tekkit" servers would need to prevent griefers to go outright ballistic with the mods.

I know that many high-listed servers for tekkit deny the use of EE because:

-3 dupes

-2 Crafting bypasses

-Cheating in resources (This obviously IS the basis of the mod)

-Most "Tools" in EE are NOT logged

  • WorldGuard
  • PEX
  • bPermissions
  • Group Manager

The current status of my plugin gives you:
  • OpenAlc (Open ANY alchemy bag [Gives error if alc bag/player does not exist])
  • Safe Zone, 13 event types listed for safety. (More to come, Generally, this is equal to a Worldguard safetyzone that was manually programmed, but nobody can use gem armor)
  • Gem armor use preventer (Switches the "Offensive and Movement" modes to "off" automatically)
  • SafeZones!!!
  • Block all 3 EE Dupes!
  • Safezones Do the following: [RemoveEntities, Block all player interactions, Blocks Ring of Arcana, Automatically decharge all DM/RM tools, rings and amulets]
  • Limit # of Placed blocks!
  • Automatically delete "Banned/Deleted" items from player inventories.
  • Prevent people from crafting "Banned/Deleted" items using ANY crafting device.

  • Limit the number of loaded chunks!
  • Remove any Forge/Vanilla Recipe!
  • Filter out your Console Logs!
  • Splits up the Console Log into multiple subfolders in "log/".
  • Prevent players from Duping using Alchemy Bags, RM Furnaces and Transmutation Tables!

Working Permissions:
  • tekkitrestrict.admin (And branch bypasses)
  • tekkitrestrict.noitem.[l-k].[data]
  • tekkitrestrict.limit.[l-k].[data]

Please note that this does NOT use any source code from any of the mods. It basically works off of what is available through reverse engineering.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.2.5

6 Update Logs

TR Version 1.13 Release [Major Bugfix] : by dreadend 12/29/2012 9:34:24 pmDec 29th, 2012

  • Forced the Inventory Thread to off
  • most things work again.
  • Attempted to remove "fly hack" with boat.

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04/11/2013 9:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Hunter
r_boy33's Avatar
Awesome plugin.. but it has stopped working, it worked for a few days after i got it but now it wont. i tried re-installing it and nothing happens.
04/29/2013 2:23 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
agsensi's Avatar
mine too any fix for this that u have found?
01/03/2013 6:36 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
dlcoates1's Avatar
Dude, just saying. This plugin doesnt work. Installed it, it worked fine once, then once our server restarted, the plugin stopped working. Reinstalled, still doesnt work. Reconfigured, still doesnt work. No offence, but this plugin is just shit right now. What kind of plugin works once then stops working?
04/29/2013 2:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
agsensi's Avatar
Hey im having the same issue with my server i was running it fine i switched hosts and its doing the same thing now the issue that i found was that the data.dat file isnt doing something correctly when i stop the server delete the data.dat file then restart its ok until it stops or restarts again, and in deleting the data.dat file all my safezones are gone... i have the correct version or everything again it was working on my server with my old host but with the new host i dont know what is happening has any one found a fix for this issue PLEASE HELP both of us!
01/05/2013 12:59 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
Charlie_boi's Avatar
Must be something wrong with your server, bukkit version or tekkit version then, or a plugin conflict because this plugin works perfectly fine for everyone else.
01/13/2013 10:37 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
dlcoates1's Avatar
You install the plugin, restart once, and it works fine. If you restart a second time, the plugin goes to shit and doesn't work anymore. Fix this damn thing already please, it's getting irritating.
01/07/2013 12:52 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
dlcoates1's Avatar
We are only running essentials, and ultrabans. I dont see anything that would interfere with this plugin.
03/17/2013 3:16 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Tromania's Avatar
I think this plugin doesn't work if you are running the server with more than 1gb of ram, that's the conclusion I have come to.
12/29/2012 9:35 pm
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
dreadend's Avatar
12/23/2012 7:14 am
Level 27 : Expert Engineer
Egzotika's Avatar
Very nice! :)
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