Minecraft Mods

Sword Art Online C [WIP] by JinRyuu - New mod, first version

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JinGames's Avatar JinGames
Level 79 : Legendary Hero
This mod is Available at JinGames.net with all of my other mods.

- News (at least weekly news/infos for my mods)

- SAOC mods page (same as this thread as of now)

This mod only began development, so many features will come with time, there are a lot plans to make it a great mod!

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Small Description:
SAOC first version released, it took a while to get this new level up system to work and the guis.
There might not be much yet but there are many plans to make this a SAO like experience.
I plan to make the weapons in 3D models but Im not completly sure if i should continue making 3D models for swords cause that would mean that most of the Items for all of my mods might get a revamp, like Naruto C shurikens, DBC swords etc.

Download and Installation
Needs JRMCore and JBRA mods to work correctly!
Every download available at http://dl.jingames.net

Sword Art Online C release version 0.0.1
+ ADDED – Custom statistics
+ ADDED – new experience based leveling
+ ADDED – SAO like health bar in first-person view
+ ADDED – SAO like health bar for some mobs
+ ADDED – 3 new weapons with custom stats (for now only the mod weapons will have custom stats)
+ ADDED – new weapons can only be gained from drop. There is 10% chance that a mob with health bar will drop one of the 3 new swords with random stats
+ ADDED – mobs with health bar have increased health and damage, the further from spawn the stronger these mobs

  • First create a Character using the jrmcore char creator by pressing the Char Sheet key (default "V") and selecting Sword Art on second page as "Power type"
  • After char creation check the area level by pressinc Char Sheet key, in the Guis top right you will find an Area Level indicator
  • Area Leve indicator will tell you what level the mobs are probably in that area
  • Getting some basic mc stuff to prepare for the powered up mobs
  • Killing powered up mobs till they drop a new weapon
  • Killing these mobs will get you experience, which needs to be gathered to Level up and to receive AP (attribute points) that can be used to increase attributes
  • New weapons SAO like damage can only be used when the "Required" value on the weapon is equal or less then the players STR attribute in Char Sheet, without the weapons bonus attributes!
  • When good weapon drops were received proceed to higher level areas to get more experience and better weapons
  • The further from the middle of the map basicly the further from 0, 0 coord the area level will increase
Progress5% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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06/23/2016 10:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Magnus_Deus's Avatar
Woo A New Mod From You :p
Dragonball Mod #Nice
I Would Be Really Happy When You Make a One Piece Mod...c:
06/20/2016 11:22 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
IiArcticFoxii's Avatar
The mod has potential, if you can top what already is there, there is a gui mod that is near perfect when compared to the sao menu and mods that add the equipment, i'm interested in seeing how this will turn out keep going and top everyone else. :)
Kyoko Tomato
06/19/2016 10:28 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Cake
Kyoko Tomato's Avatar
The gui isn't the prettiest, but it works. Seems like a cool mod, I think that this has a lot of potential :D
06/17/2016 7:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Narutoast's Avatar
When will you update this for 1.10 or 1.9.4?
Sugar Doll
06/17/2016 10:12 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
Sugar Doll's Avatar
This looks like an amazing mod
06/14/2016 2:44 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Grump
UnforgivenSpace's Avatar
It's been awhile man.
Planet Minecraft


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