Minecraft Mods

Survival Plus

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kenchan73's Avatar kenchan73
Level 22 : Expert Miner
This mod is designed to add more variety to Survival Mode and reduce grinding by allowing for further
progression. Following is a list of all I have added/changed:

Crafting Table - Iron is now required to make a Crafting Table. There are 2 new tools: Wooden Pick and
Stone Pick. These are made with one stick and wooden planks/cobblestone above it. They are basically
inferior versions of the pickaxe, and allow for the mining of stone and iron before the player has
access to a Crafting Table. The stone version must be used to mine iron. The Crafting Table is now made
with 2 wooden planks on the bottom, and 2 iron ore/iron ingots on top. Both iron ore and iron ingots
can be used.

Ruby - Ruby is a new material, stronger than iron but weaker than diamond. It can be found deep
underground. It can be used to make tools and armor.

New types of stone - There are now Granite and Diorite underground. They are tougher than regular
stone. Iron or better must be used to mine Granite, and Ruby or better must be used to mine Diorite.
They can both be smelted in a furnace to create polished versions, which have a different texture.

New decoration blocks - There are now more kinds of walls, doors, stairs, slabs, etc. To replace the
Crafting Table, placing 4 wooden planks in the crafting grid now makes a Wooden Crate.

Dungeon Biome - This is a new biome that generates a dark, thickly overhung forest on the surface and
Obsidian Bricks underground. Obsidian Bricks are as hard as regular obsidian, but they can't be used to
make a Nether portal. The Dungeon also has harder enemies. However, all the ore that generates in the
Dungeon becomes Bricks of that ore type. Bricks can be turned into 4 of that ore in the crafting grid.
The Dungeon should be steered clear of until the player has the proper equipment to venture into it,
but then it provides more reward. There are also chests and other special items that only generate in
the Dungeon. This biome is fairly rare. You will know you have found it when you see a forest similar
to the Roofed Forest, except with only dark oak trees and ruinous piles of Obsidian Bricks on the

Fruit - There are Mysterious Fruit that spawn in the Dark Forest on top of the Dungeon. These can be
eaten, or used to make other types of Fruit. The other Fruit are made with a Mysterious Fruit in the
middle, with 8 of another item surrounding it. For example, you can use feathers and mushrooms. Try
different items to see what type of Fruit you can make. Each fruit gives a status effect like a potion,
but it usually lasts longer, and some of them you cannot get from potions. There are 6 types of Fruit
you can make.

Orbs - Black Roses spawn underground in the Dungeon Biome. These can be used to make Golden, Pearl, and
Diamond Flowers. To make the Flowers, place a Black Rose in the middle of the crafting grid and 4 of
the respective ore on each side, forming a cross. Then to make an Orb, place the flower in the middle
and 4 stained glass on each side. Each color Orb takes one of these three types of Flowers. For
example, the Pink Orb requires a Golden Flower and pink stained glass, whereas the Gray Orb requires a
Pearl Flower and gray stained glass. When used, each Orb breaks and does something special. You can see
what the Orb does in the description of the item. There are 10 types of Orbs you can make.

The Nether - The Nether has new mobs, items, and blocks. It is now much more dangerous, but more
rewarding and interesting as well. A new type of material can be found there that is stronger than
diamond, but extremely rare. It can be used to make each type of tool. There are also new blocks that
can only be mined with this material. Make sure you're well prepared before you go there, and watch out
for dangerous surprises.

Other miscelanious additions - You can now turn 9 pieces of rotten flesh into 1 piece of leather.

Important - In order for the Dungeon Biome to spawn, "Special Biomes" must be selected as the World
Type when creating a new world. Minecraft version 1.7.2 and Forge version are required.

I made this mod with Minecraft version 1.7, but I used some textures from 1.8 with minor adjustments.
Except for what I got from vanilla Minecraft, everything in this mod was made by me. This is my first
Minecraft mod. Please feel free to give suggestions, or let me know if there are any glitches, etc. or
if any more explanation is needed.

Here is a list of all the crafting recipes I added. I just took this from the code, with minor adjustments.

"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, 0.
"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, 2.
"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, 1.
"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, 3.
"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, 4.
"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, 5.

"yy", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, y = Blocks.iron_ore.
"yy", "xx"; x = Blocks.planks, y = Items.iron_ingot.
"y", "x"; x = Items.stick, y = Blocks.planks.
"y", "x"; x = Items.stick, y = Blocks.cobblestone.

"xx", "xx"; x = Items.iron_ingot.
"xx", "xx"; x = Items.gold_ingot.
"xx", "xx"; x = ruby.
"xx", "xx"; x = Items.diamond.
iron_ingot, 4:
"x"; x = ironBricks.
gold_ingot, 4:
"x"; x = goldBricks.
ruby, 4:
"x"; x = rubyBricks.
diamond, 4:
"x"; x = diamondBricks.

"xxx", "xxx", "xxx"; x = ruby.
ruby, 9:
"x"; x = rubyBlock.
"yyy", " x ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = ruby.
"yy ", "yx ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = ruby.
" y ", " x ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = ruby.
"yy ", " x ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = ruby.
" y ", " y ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = ruby.
"xxx", "x x"; x = ruby.
"x x", "xxx", "xxx"; x = ruby.
"xxx", "x x", "x x"; x = ruby.
"x x", "x x"; x = ruby.

"xxx", "xxx", "xxx"; x = netherOnyx.
netherOnyx, 9:
"x"; x = onyxBlock.
"yyy", " x ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = netherOnyx.
"yy ", "yx ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = netherOnyx.
" y ", " x ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = netherOnyx.
"yy ", " x ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = netherOnyx.
" y ", " y ", " x "; x = Items.stick, y = netherOnyx.

obsidianBricks, 4:
"xx", "xx"; x = Blocks.obsidian.
netheriteBricks, 4:
"xx", "xx"; x = netherite.
darkNetheriteBricks, 4:
"xy", "yx"; x = Blocks.obsidian, y = netherite.
Shapeless recipe - Blocks.cobblestone, Blocks.vine.
stonebrick, 1, 1:
Shapeless recipe - Blocks.stonebrick, 1, 0, Blocks.vine.

graniteStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = polishedGranite.
dioriteStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = polishedDiorite.
obsidianBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = obsidianBricks.
netheriteBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = netheriteBricks.
darkNetheriteBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = darkNetheriteBricks.
ironBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = ironBricks.
goldBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = goldBricks.
rubyBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = rubyBricks.
diamondBrickStairs, 4:
" x", " xx", "xxx"; x = diamondBricks.

graniteSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = polishedGranite.
dioriteSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = polishedDiorite.
obsidianBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = obsidianBricks.
netheriteBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = netheriteBricks.
darkNetheriteBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = darkNetheriteBricks.
ironBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = ironBricks.
goldBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = goldBricks.
rubyBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = rubyBricks.
diamondBrickSlab, 6:
"xxx"; x = diamondBricks.

polishedGranite, 1:
"x", "x"; x = graniteSlab.
polishedDiorite, 1:
"x", "x"; x = dioriteSlab.
obsidianBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = obsidianBrickSlab.
netheriteBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = netheriteBrickSlab.
darkNetheriteBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = darkNetheriteBrickSlab.
ironBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = ironBrickSlab.
goldBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = goldBrickSlab.
rubyBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = rubyBrickSlab.
diamondBricks, 1:
"x", "x"; x = diamondBrickSlab.

"xxx", "xyx", "xxx"; x = Items.feather, y = darkFruit.
"xxx", "xyx", "xxx"; x = Blocks.brown_mushroom, y = darkFruit.
"xxx", "xyx", "xxx"; x = Items.iron_ingot, y = darkFruit.
"xxx", "xyx", "xxx"; x = Items.diamond, y = darkFruit.
"xxx", "xyx", "xxx"; x = Blocks.red_mushroom, y = darkFruit.
"xxx", "xyx", "xxx"; x = netherFlame, y = darkFruit.

" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Items.gold_ingot, y = blackRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Items.diamond, y = blackRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Items.ender_pearl, y = blackRose.

" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Pink, y = goldenRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Magenta, y = goldenRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Light Gray, y = pearlRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Gray, y = pearlRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Brown, y = pearlRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Orange, y = goldenRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, White, y = goldenRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Black, y = pearlRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Blue, y = diamondRose.
" x ", "xyx", " x "; x = Blocks.stained_glass, Yellow, y = diamondRose.

"xxx", "xxx", "xxx"; x = Items.rotten_flesh.

New Walls and Doors are made with same recipe as vanilla, just different materials.

Smelting recipes:
granite, polishedGranite.
diorite, polishedDiorite.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

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11/28/2015 12:07 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Kagemaruyoutube's Avatar
I made a showcase video:

Sorry if it's not very good.
02/29/2016 5:36 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
kenchan73's Avatar
Thanks a lot! I thought you did well describing everything.
11/23/2015 4:29 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
pandaflame's Avatar
Looks good! Just one thing -- you can't get iron without a pickaxe which needs a crafting table.
11/26/2015 4:17 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Kagemaruyoutube's Avatar
did you try using the picks (different from pickaxe)?
11/23/2015 3:14 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Explorer
NitroStarman's Avatar
Looks awesome! I like that you used rotton flesh to make leather. The only thing about this mod that I don't like is that you changed the crafting table recipe, but I can deal with it :P
11/22/2015 7:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SPINO56's Avatar
Are you french ?
11/20/2015 8:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DanaFChen's Avatar
My last pay check was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. This is what I do... EARNMORE9.COM
11/23/2015 3:12 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Explorer
NitroStarman's Avatar
Get out of here you dirty advertiser -_-
Homestuck trolls
07/11/2015 8:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Homestuck trolls's Avatar
Can yoU send me or post here, the crafting recipes?
03/23/2015 3:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Anquilosaurus's Avatar
+1 diamond 
Great mod
You can add new dimensions?

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