Minecraft Mods

[Mech][Fun] SunSteel v1.02h A Golden Item Enhancement System [1.2.4]

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Jadeon's Avatar Jadeon
Level 20 : Expert Modder

A Golden Item Enhancement System

Version: v1.02h

BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/sunsteel/

  • Fire Resistance - Nullification of fire ticks and fire damage.
  • Lava Resistance - Individual Lava Resistance amounts on Helm, Chest, and Legs.
  • Fire Riposte - Riposte enemy attacks by setting them ablaze!
  • Water Breathing - Fear the depths no more as water is evaporated in fluid air for your protection.
  • Water Walker - Tread lightly as you cross rivers, lakes and oceans.
  • Lava Walker - Removal of the dangers involved in lava mining as you can now hover over lava pools.
  • Searing Blade - Weapon attacks set your opponents on fire.
  • Inferno Axe - Axes cut through logs charring them into coal as well as optionally setting enemies ablaze.
  • Molten Pick - A superheated pick smelts stone, cobblestone, iron ore, and gold ore directly to their final products.
  • Solar Spade - Dig up some sandy glass, and bricks of clay!


No commands


BukkitDev Permission Page: Permissions


BukkitDev Configuration Page: Configuration

Bugs | Issues | Feature Requests:

BukkitDev Overview Page: Communication


Version 1.02h
  • Added default: false; to permissions requiring explicit assignment of permissions for use, in response to ticket #9

Version 1.02f
  • Corrected Issue that was causing config.yml to be over-written every time.

Previous Versions

v1.02f Download from BukkitDev

v1.02e Download from BukkitDev

v1.02d Download from BukkitDev

v1.02c Download from BukkitDev

v1.02b Download from BukkitDev

v1.02a Download from BukkitDev

v1.02 Download from BukkitDev

Previous Change Logs

Version 1.02e
  • Bug Fix for Ticket #7
    • SunSteel now has a very crude version of a Play-Nice system with anti-cheat plugins similar to NoCheat, this method is being improved.
    • Anti-Cheat is the replacement for NoCheat that this was tested against. It is the NoCheat plugin taken over and being overhauled and maintained [USER=90571076]md_5
    • [/USER]. I highly recommend this one.

  • Bug Fix for Ticket #8
    • * No more duplication of items on shovel breaks.

  • Optimized block reverts when liquid walking is taking place.
  • Configuration file has 2 additions.
    • anticheats_installed: false, set this value to true if you run Anti-Cheat by [USER=90571076]md_5
    • [/USER], NoCheat by [USER=13650]Evenprime[/USER], or any other antifly plugin.
    • version: 1.02e, do not touch this line or your config file will get reverted to default, this is for my version system.

  • config.yml now has a version system. If your config file is an older version than what the plugin requires it will now be renamed to Old_config_itsversion.yml so that you can keep track of your old settings, and a new config.yml will be generated in the folder.
  • Golden Shovels now yield an actual Brick from clay rather than a single clay brick.

This was tested using Craftbukkit Dev Version #2124

Version 1.02d
  • Bug Fix for Ticket #4
    • Configurable Hover Blocks now work correctly.

  • Bug Fix for Ticket #5
    • Blocks now appropriately revert even when not walking on fluids.

  • Bug Fix for Ticket #6
    • Water Breathing is now given correctly by the helm, not the chest.

Read more about this version here.

Version 1.02c

Version 1.02b

Version 1.02a
  • Added configuration for Lava and Water Hover blocks, simply change the BlockID in the config.yml
  • Delete your old config file.

Version 1.02

  • Adjusted a config check that was causing fire/lava resistances not to function.
  • Added appropriate permission check for lava resistance
  • Added appropriate gear check for fire resistance

Version 1.01

  • Added Fire Resistance Permission
  • Added Fire Riposte Permission
  • Added Safe Fall Permission
  • Set Fire Resistance as a Per Piece Property
    • Chest provides 2 Resistance
    • Leggings provides 1 Resistance
    • Helmet provides 1 Resistance

  • Moved Water Breathing from Chest to Helm
  • Added Fire Riposte to Chest
  • Added Safe Fall to Leggings
  • Set Axe toggle as Weapon via config
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.2.4

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Jadeon 04/06/2012 9:28:35 amApr 6th, 2012

Added Video Tutorial

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04/06/2012 8:57 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
bubbaboobies1's Avatar
Does it use modloader?
04/08/2012 9:58 am
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Jadeon's Avatar
This is not an SSP Mod so it does not use modloader, it is a bukkit server mod aka pugin.
04/06/2012 7:53 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Carrotts55's Avatar
where is ur server that this is on?
04/08/2012 9:59 am
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Jadeon's Avatar
Our server is located at acyrid.com:25565
04/06/2012 11:56 am
Level 33 : Artisan Taco
Reatos's Avatar
Can you make this for SSP?
04/06/2012 4:28 pm
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Jadeon's Avatar
At this time Reatos I specifically build plugins for servers, as I run my own server, and have quite a bit going on. I will consider making a SSP version in the future but as of right now I simply am overbooked I'm afriad =/.
04/06/2012 1:47 am
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Jadeon's Avatar
Added Fan Made Tutorial Video
04/03/2012 3:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Jadeon's Avatar
Updated to v1.02f
04/03/2012 3:26 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
lol this rocks. just to b sure, does it add armor, or just make gold BA?
04/03/2012 3:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Modder
Jadeon's Avatar
Just makes Gold Items BA
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