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Minecraft Mods

Speedran - A challenge minigame mod

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Ocelot_tamer776's Avatar Ocelot_tamer776
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Speedran (which is not a typo of speedrun, that's the intended name) is a mod adding a special minigame dimension, with your sole goal of going as fast as possible.

To get to said dimension, you will firstly need to find a Rusted Stopwatch in a new overworld structure, then upgrade it to a Strange Stopwatch with 7 gold ingots and one diamond. After you've done that, simply right click with your stopwatch to be transported to a Speedran. You'll start out in a lobby area, where you can chat with the speedran attendant about any questions you may have before starting your run. Once you do start, you'll have to get through as many rooms as possible before time runs out (which is dictated by music in the background), if you wish to get the most rewards. In each room there will be three key guardians, usually in some area requiring some parkour to reach, which are needed for progressing to the next room. Just simply kill all three, put the keys in the lock at the opposite end of the room from where you entered, and then repeat until the time runs out. There's 10 different types of rooms so far, but I might add more soon. Once the time does run out , you'll be transported back to the lobby area and will now be able to redeem any Speedran Vouchers you may have gotten from completing rooms at some handy villagers. After this, you'll be transported back to the overworld, with whatever goodies you may have amassed.

There are three different types of villagers to trade you vouchers into:
The Material Merchant, who will allow you to turn in vouchers for vanilla minecraft materials like iron, gold, diamonds and emeralds.
The Block Merchant, who will take your vouchers for unusual and hard to get building blocks, like froglights, infested stone, and other wacky blocks.
The Speed Merchant, who will sell custom items with the sole purpose of making you go faster, like a syringe which will make you go faster and jump higher, but may have some repercussions to injecting yourself with a high dose of stimulant, or a pair of slippers which grant creative flight inside a speedran, but degrade with prolonged use, and other speedy things.

A few things to be aware of:
1. You can only do one speedran per strange stopwatch you make, so be sure to make the most of it if you wish to gain more than it spent to get there!
2. Movement items are key, and anything that can get you anywhere faster will certainly earn you many more vouchers.
3. This mod is not made for multiplayer, and will probably horribly break if you try such.

If you have any questions or bugs to report, post them down in the comments.

Have fun speeding around!
CreditMcreator, Jessie Valentine
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.4

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08/31/2023 7:47 pm
Level 48 : Master Fox
Galaxium's Avatar
Love the concept, also would legitimately be overjoyed if a Bedrock addon of this is possible XD
08/31/2023 10:43 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Ocelot_tamer776's Avatar
I'll do my best to see if I can port it over to bedrock, but chances are my mediocre mod making skills will result in that not becoming a reality. I'm glad you're enjoying the mod, though! :D
09/01/2023 5:14 pm
Level 48 : Master Fox
Galaxium's Avatar
I could possibly collab to help make it :D
09/01/2023 8:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Ocelot_tamer776's Avatar
I'd be delighted to, but there are quite a few problems. The first and foremost being that I only make mods via Mcreator, in which you can't make mods for bedrock, I'm pretty sure. And even if we do manage to get over the first issue, how would we collaborate on one project over multiple devices at the same time? The only solution to both of these I can come with (and is based off a guess that you know how to make mods for bedrock) is that I give you with all the assets I used, and you could make the rest of it. However seeing that you only have one mod posted, I doubt that is a viable solution to this and also would dump most of the hard work on you, which is probably not what you had in mind when you said collab.

Perhaps you had an idea as to fix these issues?
09/02/2023 5:37 pm
Level 48 : Master Fox
Galaxium's Avatar
I'll dm
Planet Minecraft


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