Minecraft Mods

Solinia3 RPG Plugin

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mixxit's Avatar mixxit
Level 32 : Artisan Unicorn
An RPG plugin for Spigot 1.12


Hi all, I have built a plugin for a server for the last 6 years and recently decided to rewrite it and make it open source, it was heavily influenced on everquest which you will no doubt recognise in the naming of various commands, their function and the sample spell files

I hope you enjoy it, it was a pleasure to make

Example Test Server:



- Vault

- Essentials

- MythicMobs

- LibsDisguises

- ChatItem

Library Dependencies:

(Place in your lib folder in the spigot root dir)



* Custom spells

* Races

* Classes

* Languages

* RP Tools

* Spells

* Spawngroups/npc management (via mm provider)

* Custom items

* Loot tables / Loot drops

* NPC Merchants (via mm provider)

* Passive skills

* Racial stats


See https://github.com/mixxit/solinia3-core/blob/master/plugin.yml for our latest commands


Custom items, etc can all be found in the json files or via in game commands,
there are thousands so it's not really ideal to post here


Download from: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/solinia3-rpg-plugin.47010/

Be sure to have the dependency plugins needed then drop the jar and config/files into your plugins folder
Progress75% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12

14 Update Logs

Update #14 : by mixxit 11/24/2017 4:07:24 pmNov 24th, 2017

Detrimental spells will no longer affect groups
Resist debuff spells are now irresistable
Spells can now fizzle
Spell skills have been implemented
Players will now lose XP on death
Players can now be resurrected via resurrection spells to regain their xp
Wizards will now have a chance to crit spells after level 11
Spell crit chance and heal crit AAs have been added
aa list will now show all aas available to your level
Rune spells have been added
It is now possible to become king of a race with enough votes from players (/swearfealty)
Kings will now receive a Gold name in chat
Resists and stats now apply from both hand and offhand items (exc STA)
Show hit by messages in the action bar
Some messages have also been moved to the action bar
Warriors can now enter beserk mode on low health
Melee damage has been massively refactored
It is now possible for players to critical hit their damage
Added defense and offense skills
The discord ?loot command can now be used in game
Bow damage now shows in the action bar
Players should no longer accidentally root themselves
Npcs now know how to cast AOEs again
Spells now have recast timers
It is possible to right click to sit on stairs
Some weapons now proc effects on attack
Fixed an issue with skulls
Added natural durability AAs
Removed chat colours from discord bot output
fix currentmp spells not using formulas
remove creature requirement for stuns
make shields on 15% effective against melee
make shields not block spells
group teleport spell targets
support translocate spells
do not allow teleport spells on non-group members
Blaze rods now drop on fire elementals
Level 50 mobs now summon
Add support for quest teleport targets
Allow self only spells always
Prevent spells of blindness type from hurting the caster
Cancel magic implemented (minor)
You can now give npcs items for quests
NPCs now award quest items
Quest Flags and Quests statuses implemented
Bard songs have been disabled
Damage now shows in the action bar
Hands are now classed as crushing weapons
Spawngroups now default to a 15 minute respawn
AE target should now also affect the target in question
Wolves should once again be killable
Mez effects should now affect players
Added augmentation items
Mezzed players will now fall to the floor if flying
Reclaim Energy spells should now remove your pet and give a little bit of mana back
Level 1-40 spells added to the website
Npcs will no longer aim spells at players they do not have line of sight with
Pets have been updated to try to target a little better
Npcs can no longer enter vehicles
NPC interaction should drop if you enter combat with an npc
Added the /pet back off command (stops a pet attacking something)
Mashim (worldboss) now respawns every 3600 seconds instead of 360 seconds
AA rank spells should now show properly
Targetting self spells should not require looking into the sky
Necromancer cold light spell had been fixed
Invis vs Undead spells added
Bane damage vs Undead added
Invis effects will drop when attacked
Level 20 to 30 spells have been added to the website
Temporary items have been implemented
Chat with npcs will always be treated as local chat
Players can no longer cast stun on themselves
It is no longer possible for players to heal enemies
SummonItem spells for mages have been implemented(edited)
Many new teleport locations has been added to wizards and druid spell lines
Pets have now learned how to cast spells
For Canadian thanks giving xp bonus until monday
The traders of Haven are now offering all level1-10 spells
Haven is now the default spawn point for new players
Spells now use formulas to determine outcome beyond what is listed on the item (Spell: Lifedraw for example does -39 dmg instead of it’s displayed -27 and at higher levels -45dmg)
Many spell abilities have been updated with new values
Items should now update on pickup
Cha spacers have been removed from item info
Buff effects should now increase and decrease in scale dependent on their formula
Spells will no longer show their base value (as it does not reflect the true strength of the spell)
TotalHP spell effects should now apply
STA and TotalHP spells should now drop off a players health successfully after an effect has faded
STR, STA, DEX, AGI, INT, WIS, CHA buffs can now be cast on players and will affect damage, hp, proc chances etc
NPCs will also cast these on themselves
Added Warrior, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard loot to Clan Grimrock monsters
The traders of Haven are now offering all level1-10 spells
Haven is now the default spawn point for new players
Spells now use formulas to determine outcome beyond what is listed on the item (Spell: Lifedraw for example does -39 dmg instead of it’s displayed -27 and at higher levels -45dmg)
Many spell abilities have been updated with new values
Items should now update on pickup
Cha spacers have been removed from item info
Buff effects should now increase and decrease in scale dependent on their formula
Spells will no longer show their base value (as it does not reflect the true strength of the spell)
TotalHP spell effects should now apply
STA and TotalHP spells should now drop off a players health successfully after an effect has faded
Added the /pet back off command (stops a pet attacking something)
Mashim (worldboss) now respawns every 3600 seconds instead of 360 seconds
AA rank spells should now show properly
Targetting self spells should not require looking into the sky
Necromancer cold light spell had been fixed
Invis vs Undead spells added
Bane damage vs Undead added
Invis effects will drop when attacked
Level 20 to 30 spells have been added to the website
Temporary items have been implemented
Chat with npcs will always be treated as local chat
Players can no longer cast stun on themselves
It is no longer possible for players to heal enemies
SummonItem spells for mages have been implemented(edited)
Many new teleport locations has been added to wizards and druid spell lines
Pets have now learned how to cast spells
Added the /solignore command
Added the /faction command
Added the /title command
Added victory messages on the destruction of world bosses
Fixed bugs with languages
Stopped npcs from casting levitate on themselves
Factions now have opinions of other factions
Chat races are now shown in shorthand (see /who for full racename)
Chat race names now show the races alignment (Green = Good, Yellow = Neutral, Red = Evil)
/gender is now an alias for /setgender
All factions now reward ally/scowls titles
Players can now attack players pets if they attack them
Pet control orbs added to general merchants
Mez effects should now affect players
Added augmentation items
Mezzed players will now fall to the floor if flying
Reclaim Energy spells should now remove your pet and give a little bit of mana back
Level 1-40 spells added to the website
Npcs will no longer aim spells at players they do not have line of sight with
Pets have been updated to try to target a little better
Npcs can no longer enter vehicles
NPC interaction should drop if you enter combat with an npc
Implemented Spell Resists (Poison, Magic, Disease, Cold, Fire)
Implemented Damage Shield spells
Implemented Disease and Poison Cure spells
Added pet target spells
Added the /pet command
Added Resist Buff spells
Added Resist Debuff spells
Updated to 1.12.2
Added Shadow Step to entity spells
Added the /trance command (meditating without holding shift)
You can now talk to NPCs that have something to say
Pets should no longer randomly attack vendors
Shops have now moved to a NPC chat command (/say shop)
Some large work is being done on AAs but are not yet available to earn (/aa & /toggleaa command)
Added support for group spells
Added Illusion spells
Added the ability to remove beneficial effects from yourself with the /effects command
Magic spells will now register their damage as magic
Shops will now display items in pages of 10
Spells which add weapon procs to all players attack should now function
Weapon procs will now have their chance to fire based on the players dexterity
Welcome back, Olvasound
NPC merchants will now sell you items you have sold them (with their enchantments reset)
Added double attack
Added dodge
Added riposte
ArmorStands no longer give money
See /skills for the levels you get the above skills at (melee only)
Certain classes have received the safefall skill (see /skills)
bard is a bit quirky right now, will need some more work
Updated all minlevel armour/weapon items to the level of the mobs they drop from (if they are class items)
Lowered minlevel to start of tier for relevent loot
HP and MP Regen items have been migrated to static HP benefits (pick up and drop your items)
A new race (Undead) has been added
A new race (Gialon) has been added
All Skeleton Pets are now shadow knights
All Fire Pets are now wizards
All Earth pets are now warriors
All Air Pets are now Rogues
All Water Pets are now Paladins
The quest step involving killing a certain morheim underground goblin can now be completed
A further quest step has been added to the Rail quest line
The Max Level is now 51
The Somnerog Staff Quest from Tusl Deepforge can now be completed
Merchants now have a UI
mleee should no longer hurt a group ally
generated items should be at minimum level 6 damage (drop pick up if not)
Enjoy multiple characters! You can now switch using the /character command
update wrapup
Players can now /bite people, there may be consequences to this action
Spell Casting Mastery AAs added
Priests and casters can now specialise (see /skills) allowing them to reduce mana with spells of their specialisation
Fixed a bug with emperors elections
Priests and casters can now specialise (see /skills) allowing them to reduce mana with spells of their specialisation
MitigateMeleeDamage buff support
Saddles now sell on general merchants
Dance of the Fire Flies spell fixed
True North, Sense spells
Trance hint now shows on insufficient mana
some cle/pal summoned proccy hammers have been updated with their spell effect and bane damage
AA descriptions have been added as hovers in /aa list
some cle/pal summoned proccy hammers have been updated with their spell effect and bane damage
saddles now sell on general merchants
Dance of the Fire Flies spell fixed
Kings can now vote for an Alignment Emperor (/voteemperor) it can be any member of the alignment who is not a King
Armour class added (see /stats), item should have armour class added going forward
Combat Stability AAs added
AC based spells should now also add armour class

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