Minecraft Mods

[HOT] [Forge] Slimy Adventures 1.11.2 (1.14.4 update on its way!)

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kenty953's Avatar kenty953
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
[HOT] [Forge] Slimy Adventures 1.11.2 (1.14.4 update on its way!) Minecraft Mod
[​1.11.2] DOWNLOAD

Mod Information
Slimy Adventures is a mod i started on around 5 years ago and it was not updated from 1.7.2 utnill 1.10.2.
Im now back developing thanks to MCreator wich allows you to make mods easyer.
What is MCreator? MCreator is a program that lets you select the base stuff you want to make and it helps you out with some of the simple coding.
But dosent that mean that you dont do anything? No as i said it helps out with the simple coding (lets say the skeleton) and i have to edit that code to satisfy my needs. It works just like Eclipse!
What can we expect to see from this mod in the furture? You can expect it to expand alot but keep in mind i will be exploring on enemy grounds! Some stuff might come to disapear the next update!

Slimy Adventures adds 1 new biome with new Trees & its own annimals!
Several new ores wich are completed with armor and tools. Those that are not completed with tools and armor is there for future updates as im exploring to make some machinery stuff!
A quick roundup. The mod adds new biome, new mobs, new ores, new tools, new armor, new food, new flowers, new dimensions, new machinery & ofc new blocks!

Development Status:
Currently experimenting with new dimensions!
Trying to add in more biomes!

Minecraft Forum: Slimy Adventures Reborn

Please leave a DIAMOND

Old Downloads:
Mod: http://adf.ly/1lXJbJ
Forge: files.minecraftforge.net/

[HOT] [Forge] Slimy Adventures 1.11.2 (1.14.4 update on its way!) Minecraft Mod
(Click to show all Changelogs:)
Release 1.1 (1.10.2)

Name Changes:
* SlimyGem is now Hiddenite - All stuff related to SlimyGem is changed name!
* RawSlimeShell (food) is now named Escargot wich is a french delicacy
* Slime Infused Log is now Blue Wood Log

New Ores:
* Copper Ore
* Platinum Ore
* Tin Ore
* Titanium Ore

New Blocks:
* Block of Copper
* Block of Tin
* Block of Platinum
* Block of Titanium
* Block of Steel
* Block of Hiddenite
* Block of Frosty Crystal
* Ruby Furnace (Not yet in working condition)

New Tools:

* Slimeball Pickaxe
* Slimeball Sword
* Slimeball Axe
* Slimeball Shovel
* Slimeball Hoe

New Mobs:
Frosty Slime (Breedable but not tamable - Its a bug it should be the other way around!)

New Ingots:
* Copper Ingot
* Tin Ingot
* Steel Ingot
* Titanium Ingot
* Platinum Ingot

New Flowers:
* Frosty Rose

New Machines:
(None Yet!)

Whats my plans with the new ores and ingots?

My plan is to advance to some machinery stuff to make the daily life of a slimy adventurer easy'er :)

Release V.1 (1.10.2)

  • Updated to forge - Be Gone ModLoader!!!
  • Added 2 set of Tools - Slimy & Ruby
  • Added 50+ Blocks - They are not all featured in this version
  • Added 2 set of Armor - Slimy & Ruby
  • Added 1 new Biome - Slimy Biome
  • Added 1 new Food - Slimy Shell
News for Release v1:

  • Next update will give you ALOT of more new stuff!
  • I have plans of new mobs! Give me tips and it might be a thing!
  • New ore, block, items & armor (Hint of 1 new ore is in the screenshots ;) !)
  • I will try to make our current biome much more advance!)
  • The rest you'll have to download to know ;)
Beta v5.9

  • Updated to forge 1.6.4
  • Added Tools
  • Added Blocks
  • Added Armor
News for Release v6:

  • In v6 there will be many new things :)
  • New mobs (Old mobs + new) (SlimySnail will be back :P)
  • New ore, block, items & armor (Maby 2 sets)
  • New dimension with our own (Trees, mobs, ores & more(Surprise))
  • The rest you'll have to download to know ;)
Known Bugs:

  • Armor + Tools have a strange name? (Looking for a fix)
  • None yet :) plz leave a commet if u find a bug :)
Beta v4.5
  • Fixed SlimyStone to drop as SlimyCobble
  • Added SlimyCobble
  • Fixed minor bugs.
  • You can now find slimygrass in creative menu/ you can scrollclick the slimygrass to get slimygrass (the game wont crash anymore)
  • Added some more features that will be aviable at v5.0
Beta v4.4
  • Fixed SlimyBiome (SlimyGrass and SlimyDirt)
  • Added SlimeBallTools (Tools that can be crafted with slimeball's (It's as good as iron)
  • Added a new mob (SlimyMan... He's just a big bug right now so i have to fix him but if you wonder there is a picture in the zip file)
  • SlimyStone and SlimyBlock added (Both made by MrBeneDevel, They both drop as SlimyBlock (Bug))
  • And some bug fixes :)
Beta v3.1

* Fixed SlimyNpc arm movements and some more.
* Fixed so Slimy and HarndnedRuby ores drop like a ore!
* Added a new biome. SlimyBiome (Under Construction)
* Removed SlimyStone and added SlimyBlock
* and alot more [HOT] [Forge] Slimy Adventures 1.11.2 (1.14.4 update on its way!) Minecraft Mod

Beta V2.0

* Added smelting to SlimyOre and HardnedRubyOre.
* Made new sking for SlimySnail.
* Deleted old fat SlimyNPC
* Added new SlimyNPC (new awesome skin)

Beta V1.1.1

* Added a SlimyStone. (It's not generating in the world)
* Added SlimyNPC(under construction)
* Fixed HardnedRubyOre to generate in the world.
* SlimySnail now drops 1-2 SlimyGems
* SlimyNPC will drop 1-2 SlimyBeef
* Made SlimyOre more rare, can be found under 16
* HardnedRubyOre can be found under 60
* You can craft a SlimyBeef with 3 gems on the top section of the crafting bench. (Bug)

Beta V1.0

* Added HardnedRuby Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Sword, Hoe & Gem
* SlimySnail now take 2 harts of damage.
* SlimySnail snails a bit faster than what it did.
* Updated SlimySnail to drop SlimyOre.
* Changed the texture of the SlimyBeef.

Bugs in current version (V1.0.0)
I have yet not found any bugs! So if you find any bugs please tell me in a comment! :)

Release v1.1
Release v1.1
*Working on adding alot of new blocks!
*Working on adding alot of new items!
*Working on adding alot of new ores with full set of tools and armor
*Working on a coupple of new mobs! (Most likely not to be release before v1.2)
Release v1.2
Release v1.2
* Objective is to add a better range of new ores!
* Test out if i can add some sort of flying!
* Fix a few textures and also rename some of the items!

I Really need people to make mod reviews! All reviews will be featured here!

Posting them here as soon as they are done!
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12

53 Update Logs

1.11.2 RELEASE! :D : by kenty953 04/20/2017 7:10:30 pmApr 20th, 2017


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06/18/2017 11:19 am
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
This mod will be discontiniued for now..

What i can say is that i will come back strong! But i need to focus on some other stuff in life!

Also i have some more plans for what i can do when i decide to come back!
06/03/2017 2:48 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
All of you people waiting for an update i can let you know its under way but im coding it over again from scratch and it might take a while since i have some irl stuff to do
05/02/2017 8:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Pashillianne's Avatar
Hey. I love everything I'm seeing so far but I've run into some serious problems:
1- you can't eat any food. the animation goes but you get no hunger back and the item stays in your inventory. I checked your modded food and vanilla food. Each had the same glitch

2- Dropped items don't want to get in your inventory. They will if you wait, but it's kinda like they are lagging even though your not. I had 60 fps and was moving fine.

3- similar problem with mobs, especially when you hit them. Again it's like they are lagging and you are not.

4- This ain't a bug, but I made a really cool love slime skin last valentine's day and I thought you might want it for a boss. I have no use for it and I think she could make a cool queen or something in your mod. If not I'll just post it on my account anyway, so don't be afraid to say no :)
05/04/2017 11:32 am
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
I take all tips and if you have a skin why not try it! :)

And im so sorry for that lag bug. I Fixed it but somehow when i updated from 1.10 to 1.11 it has remove that fix. Im working on my hardest to get this fixed asap! Thanks again for the comment and if you want to send me the skin you can do that :)
05/04/2017 2:58 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Pashillianne's Avatar
I hope it gets fixed. I reeeeeally want this mod for my channel. Also I'll post the skin on my profile. You can just download it and feel free to use it.
05/06/2017 7:04 am
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
So as ive mentioned im redoing the code to fix the issue. It shouldnt take to long if im lucky ill update it today or tomorrow. But if you reply here before i update it would you like anything added? For like a fix or something? Maby you want something removed? (I have removed the Copper & Tin because im gonna work with my own elements so it does not conflict with other mods..)
05/06/2017 6:59 am
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
So i have a really big challenge infront of me now. I have tried to fix the problem for days now and it looks like im gonna have to redo the mod... I mean i already have the textures so its not gonna take to long but im starting the code all over again. So i hope you will stay waiting but just letting you know if i dont find a solution im gonna have to re write the mod..
05/06/2017 7:11 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Pashillianne's Avatar
I can defiantly wait. I've got unbox and slime rancher to record too. As for something I want, I can only think of getting those bugs I mentioned fixed. I'm just so happy to find a cool biome mod with no demons or deities.
05/06/2017 7:35 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
Great! :) As i mentioned i have no clue how long this will take as its starting from 0 code..
04/21/2017 10:26 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Pashillianne's Avatar
I would love to do a review too, but is there a wiki or something so I have a general idea of what to show and do?
04/24/2017 9:27 am
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
kenty953's Avatar
There is no wiki at this moment... But what i can do is make a little dev blog site where it will say every feature that is ingame! :)
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