Minecraft Mods

Slimemania [Game] [Version 1.5.2]

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MultiDekey's Avatar MultiDekey
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Version: 1.5.2

Slimemania development is currently paused but may be continued some day in the future.
Im working on some other games at the moment..

Slimemania is a 2D Jump n Run game. You play as a slime
from minecraft and jump through levels to rescue your
kidnaped brother,collect coins, find items and special powers, fight evil
slimes and the final boss! After that your brother is free and
you won the game.

The game has currently 19 levels and 7 items. You can earn money
to buy items or upgrades. Items can be found in chests. The items
are hard to get! So you can spend some time on Slimemania :)
I try to increase the number of levels/items in every

Some enemys can only be killed with bombs. Some blocks can
only be destroyed with bombs/ the [Hammer] item.

If you have any questions how something works feel
free to ask me :)

Informations like how to play youll find in the tutorial
level or in the game information/Readme file.


Just drag the slimemania.exe, story_intro.wmv and game_stats.ini
on a place on your computer. Its important that game_stats.ini,
story_intro.wmv is in the same folder as Slimemania.exe!
Then double click the slimemania.exe and the game starts.
If you have problems or error messages please contact us.

Download on Mega


A/D: Move left/right
W: Jump
S: Move down

Q/Press mousewheel: Open item menu.
1/2/Mousewheel: Switch between Bomb or mine in item menu.
Ctrl: Place an item. (Bomb, Mine)

R: Open ingame shop.
E: Open your item information.
F: God Power/Mode (Have to collect item)
G: Go to last save position, costs 5 coins
F2: Version, Player coordinates and level name
F9: Screenshot

Hardware requirements:

- Windows XP, Vista or 7
- 512MB RAM
- 128MB graphics
- Screen resolution of 640x480
- 30MB Harddiskspace

Coming in next Version:

-More Levels
-Tutorial improvements

Whats planned for the future:

-More items
-Better Mute button
-Maybe a Mac Version (We are working on it!)
-Redo the web-version
-Engine Cleanup


Do want to make a costume for slimemania?

Just download this zip file: Mediafire Mega
and edit the 3 sprites(images). If your finished upload it
and send the download link in a PM to MultiDekey.

I hope you have fun :)
Please rate and comment if you like it. If you have some ideas
for the game please share them with me.
Please send informations about bugs as private message to me.


Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Slimemania vonCrysteland steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-KeineBearbeitung 3.0 Unported Lizenz.

Your allowed to post slimemania on your website but you have to include
a link to the original slimemania post on Planet Minecraft!

Copyright 2017 Crysteland /MultiDekey
Sounds by freesound.org
Story intro video is made by MaxHamFilm
Slimemania is freeware!

Before everyone is asking how the game is made:
This game is made with Game Maker.
CreditMojang, De_Kim, MaxHamFilm
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.11

13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by MultiDekey 12/29/2016 7:45:02 pmDec 29th, 2016

Updated the mod description and links to my website (Wich im currently re-designing).

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08/02/2014 8:30 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Batman
smanrt's Avatar
Yet again, another great game. *Claps*
08/03/2014 4:55 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
MultiDekey's Avatar
Thanks :)
And psssst *Im working on a new game...* ^^
02/22/2014 9:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EZkill002HD's Avatar
I have gameplay on my channel it wont let me put the link but on youtube look up EZkill002HD and you can find it!
02/23/2014 11:19 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
MultiDekey's Avatar
Cool, i like it! :D
02/10/2014 10:58 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
NobleReign's Avatar
i tried to play it before it ran as smooth as a babys skin but now when i go to options it wont slide to the next and main menu causes an error. if i play the screen dosent scroll but everything else works fine. HELP!
02/11/2014 10:45 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
MultiDekey's Avatar
Have you extracted the game?Is the .ini and the video in the same folder as slimemania.exe (I think that could cause errors). You have some strange bugs O.o Never had this while testing :O
02/22/2014 3:29 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
NobleReign's Avatar
ya it fixed itself and also the vid wasn t in the same place. i left it in the .zip :P
02/22/2014 5:16 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
MultiDekey's Avatar
Ok, good. I almost thought would be some really big bugs in the code ^^
01/22/2014 7:57 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
LordGilbunny's Avatar
Downloading it now. This is awesome.
01/22/2014 12:30 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
MultiDekey's Avatar
Thanks :)
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