Minecraft Mods

SleepyFeeling - Feeling Tired? - A more realistic Minecraft Adventure

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vasil7112's Avatar vasil7112
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder
Minecrafters have been fighting with Zombies, Skeletons and Spiders for a long time. Today, those players will be fighting a bigger threat, their fatigue! By forcing Minecrafters to go Sleep when they are tired we are adding a whole new level to Minecraft Realism. Fighting, Mining, or even Swimming will be harder, and players will have to manage their time efficiently so they can survive.

  • Get Tired From:
    • Mining
    • Building
    • Walking
    • Running
    • Swimming

  • Custom effects for sleepiness
  • Custom energy drinks to remove sleepiness effects.
  • Fuel up with energy by sleeping

Installation & Usage
  1. Installation
    1. Download the plugin.
    2. Place it on your plugins folder
    3. Open or Restart your server.
    4. Edit the configuration to your needs.
    5. Restart 1 more time
    6. You are done with installation!

  2. Usage
    1. Just do your everyday minecraft routine
    2. Feel exausted
    3. Go to sleep and see you the other day! <3


AutoUpdateDownload new updates instantly
Premium-UserFor donators only: Recieve some extra features - Non plugin related
MaxEnergyThe maximum amount of energy a player can have
EnergyDecreaseAmountHow much energy will a player lose every EnergyDecreaseTick minutes
EnergyDecreaseTickEvery how many minutes will EnergyDecreaseAmount be removed from player
WaysToLoseEnergyEvery way that a player can lose energy
<WayToLoseEnergy> EnabledAllow players to lose energy from <WayToLoseEnergy>
<WayToLoseEnergy> DecreaseAmountLose that much energy everytime the <WayToLoseEnergy> is activated by a player
WaysToGetEnergyEvery way that a player can regenerate/regain energy
PotionEffectsWhat effects your recieve when you reach a specific amount of energy
PotionEffects EffectThe effect that you will recieve [Available Effects:Blindness , Absorption , Confusion , DamageResistance , FastDigging , FireResistance , Harm , Heal , HealthBoost , Hunger , IncreaseDamage , Invisibility , Jump , NightVision , Poison , Regeneration , Saturation , Slow , SlowDigging , Speed , WaterBreathing , Weakness , Wither]
PotionEffects EffectLevelThe level of the potion effect
PotionEffects From/ToFrom what amount to what amount of energy will that effect be available? Ex From 10000 Energy to 9000 Energy
EnergyDrinksAndFoodDrinks and foods you can use to remove the sleepy effects
EnergyDrinksAndFood MaterialWhat material will that be? E.x POTION. Full list:http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html
EnergyDrinksAndFood AmountThe amount of the material that will be given on crafting
EnergyDrinksAndFood HEPTFor how much time will the potion effects be disabled? 1 = 15 seconds, 4 = 1 minute. Values under 1 are not allowed!
EnergyDrinksAndFood DisplayName/LoreThe Name and the Lore of the item when it is crafted
EnergyDrinksAndFood RecipeThe recipe of the item. Material List:http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html.


SleepyFeeling.check.selfAllow user to use "/sleepyfeeling check" command
SleepyFeeling.check.otherAllow user to use "/sleepyfeeling check <playername>" command
SleepyFeeling.check.addEnergyAllow user to use "/sleepyfeeling add <playername> <energy>" command
SleepyFeeling.check.remEnergyAllow user to use "/sleepyfeeling rem <playername> <energy>" command
SleepyFeeling.Bypass.BlockBreakingDisable lose energy from BlockBreaking for the player
SleepyFeeling.Bypass.BlockPlacingDisable lose energy from BlockPlacing for the player
SleepyFeeling.Bypass.SprintingDisable lose energy from Sprinting for the player
SleepyFeeling.Bypass.SwimmingDisable lose energy from Swimming for the player
SleepyFeeling.Bypass.WalkingDisable lose energy from Walking for the player

Quote from vasil7112:Building, maintaining, and hosting takes a lot of time and financial resources. This is completely optional, but even a small donation can help us alot.

Click here to donate

Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by vasil7112 02/24/2014 1:01:28 pmFeb 24th, 2014

Revived the project!

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10/08/2013 5:14 pm
Level 21 : Expert Caveman
matti2000rocks's Avatar
please update it
10/09/2013 12:29 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder
vasil7112's Avatar
Hello there, I am working on another plugin at the moment. As result i have not enough time for this. But you must be sure that i will update it. I now have a help of another friendly dev, who will try and update it by rewriting the code for an easier understanding of the plugin:)
10/09/2013 5:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Caveman
matti2000rocks's Avatar
ok take your time! :D
09/01/2013 12:51 pm
Level 28 : Expert Explorer
pittpenguin123's Avatar
update it
06/28/2013 8:51 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Grump
Ploiu's Avatar
Could you please make a forge version? I am currently doing a hardcore map and honestly, it's not that hard. I installed the mo' creatures mod and go out to fight every single night. I have come close to dying several times, but I want to make the hardcore harder and more realistic. I also honestly think you will get more downloads if you make a version that can be used in single player too. Thank you for your time in reading this and your consideration in my question.
06/20/2013 10:15 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
adamisapple's Avatar
Make a forge/modloader version for normal users too.
03/20/2013 5:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
MadOliveGaming's Avatar
dude add coffee :D like when you use coffee your energie would go down slowerd and when you eat sugar you gain a little bit of energie back!
03/20/2013 9:00 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder
vasil7112's Avatar
There is the option for sugar, but about cofee, it is hard. I will make a custom potion, and see later for coffee
03/19/2013 11:57 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
Jesse4060's Avatar
how do u get a plugin folder?
03/20/2013 1:40 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder
vasil7112's Avatar
You must own a server and have installed Bukkit or CraftBukkit.
Planet Minecraft


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