Minecraft Mods

SkywarsReloaded New || Plugin

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RedReaperGaming1's Avatar RedReaperGaming1
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
SkywarsReloaded New || RedReaper Gaming ||| discord.link/OpGames ||| www.spigotmc.org/resources/96510/
  • Scoreboards
    • 5 different scoreboard types for different game statuses.
    • Supports Placeholders
  • Team games
    • Waiting lobby for team games
    • Team selector
    • Group cages/single cages
  • Join games through signs
  • Join games through menus
  • Kits
  • Chat system
    • 4 chat formats
    • Lobby, spectate, ingame, and team chat
    • Option to disable custom chat, and use another plugin's chat system
    • Optional externalPrefix option to add a prefix to another plugin's chat system (disabled by default).
  • Game voting
    • Chests (basic, normal, overpowered, empty)
    • Health (5hp, 10hp, 15hp, 20hp)
    • Time (dawn, noon, dusk, night)
    • Weather (sun, rain, thunder, snow)
    • Modifier (speed, jump, strength, none)
  • Chest loot
    • Configurable chest loot
    • 6 total chest types (3 are votable)
    • Center chests
    • Basic, normal, overpowered, basiccenter, normalcenter
  • Player statistics
    • wins
    • kills
    • losses
    • games played
    • deaths
  • MySQL support
  • Holographic statistics (Holographic Display)
  • Party system
  • Tab Complete for Skywars commands (needs permission)
  • Command to customize chest loot in-game
  • Command to create and manage arenas
  • Command to create kits
  • Arena display names
  • Messages are configurable
  • Everything is configurable in the Skywars folder
Admin Permissions

    • sw.setspawn: Allows a player to set a set the lobby spawn.
    • sw.stat: Allows a player to set a players stats.
    • sw.clearstats: Allows a player to clear a players stats.
    • sw.allowcommands: Allows a player to use commands when spectating or in game.
    • sw.reload: Allows a player to use the reload command.
    • sw.chestadd: Allows a player to use the chestadd command.
    • sw.start: Allows a player to use the start command.
    • sw.updatetop: Allows a player to use the updatetop command.
    • sw.hologram: Allows a player to use the hologram command.
    • sw.holoremove: Allows a player to use the holoremove command
Map Permissions
    • sw.map.arenas: Allows a player to use the Arenas GUI.
    • sw.map.create: Allows a player to create an arena.
    • sw.map.edit: Allows a player to edit an arena.
    • sw.map.delete: Allows a player to delete an arena.
    • sw.map.list: Allows a player to list the available arenas.
    • sw.map.save: Allows a player to save an arena.
    • sw.map.register: Allows a player to register an arena.
    • sw.map.unregister: Allows a player to unregister an arena.
    • sw.map.refresh: Allows a player to reload the map data file.
    • sw.map.creator: Allows a player to set the arena creator.
    • sw.map.name: Allows a player to set the arena display name.
    • sw.map.minimum: Allows a player to set the arena minimum number of players.
    • sw.map.spawn: Allows a player to use the spawn command.
    • sw.map.chesttype: Allows a player to use the chesttype command.
Kit Permissions
    • sw.kit.create: Allows a player to use the create command.
    • sw.kit.enable: Allows a player to use the enable command.
    • sw.kit.icon: Allows a player to use the icon command.
    • sw.kit.lockicon: Allows a player to use the lockicon command.
    • sw.kit.perm: Allows a player to use the perm command.
    • sw.kit.load: Allows a player to use the load command.
    • sw.kit.list: Allows a player to use the list command.
    • sw.kit.lore: Allows a player to use the lore command.
    • sw.kit.name: Allows a player to use the name command.
    • sw.kit.position: Allows a player to use the position command.
    • sw.kit.update: Allows a player to use the update command.
Party Permissions
    • sw.party.accept: Allows a player to accept a party invite.
    • sw.party.create: Allows a player to create a party.
    • sw.party.disband: Allows a player to disband a party.
    • sw.party.decline: Allows a player to decline a party invite.
    • sw.party.info: Allows a player to view their party info.
    • sw.party.invite: Allows a player to invite players to their party.
    • sw.party.leave: Allows a player to leave a party.
Group Permissions
    • sw.admin: Allows a player to use all admin commands.
    • sw.maps: Allows a player to use all map commands.
    • sw.kits: Allows a player to use all kit commands.
    • sw.parties: Allows a player to use all party commands
    • sw.player: Allows a player to use all player commands

Player Permissions
    • sw.join: Allows a player to use sw join command and to join games.
    • sw.stats: Allows a player to view player stats.
    • sw.top: Allows a player to view the leaderboard.
    • sw.quit: Allows a player to use sw quit command.
    • sw.winsound: Allows a player to use sw winsound command.
    • sw.killsound: Allows a player to use sw killsound command.
    • sw.glass: Allows a player to use sw glass command.
    • sw.taunt: Allows a player to use sw taunt command.
    • sw.projectile: Allows a player to use sw projectile command.
    • sw.particle: Allows a player to use sw particle command.
    • sw.spectate: Allows a player to spectate using the spectate menu or the spectate command.
    • sw.vip1: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip1.
    • sw.vip2: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip2.
    • sw.vip3: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip3.
    • sw.vip4: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip4.
    • sw.vip5: Gives the player an experience and voting multiplier that corresponds to vip5.
    • sw.kit.[​filename]: Allows the player to unlock voting on a permission required kit. [​filename] is the filename of the kit without the “.yml”
    • sw.votemenu: Allows a player to open the in game voting menu.
    • sw.chestvote: Allow a player to vote on the chest type in pregame menus.
    • sw.healthvote: Allow a player to vote on the health amount in pregame menus.
    • sw.timevote: Allow a player to vote on the time in pregame menus.
    • sw.weathervote: Allows a player to vote on the weather in the pregame menus.
    • sw.modifiervote: Allows a player to vote on the modifier in the pregame menus.
    • sw.pareffect.[​name]: Allows a player you use a particle effect without having the required level. [​name] represents the “Key” for the particle effect in the particleeffects.yml.
    • sw.proeffect.[​name]: Allows a player you use a projectile particle effect without having the required level. [​name] represents the “Key” for the projectile particle effect in the projectileeffects.yml.
    • sw.glasscolor.[​name]: Allows a player you use a glass color without having the required level. [​name] represents the “Key” for the glass color in the glasscolors.yml.
    • sw.killsound.[​name]: Allows a player you use a kill sound without having the required level. [​name] represents the “Key” for the kill sound in the killsounds.yml.
    • sw.winsound.[​name]: Allows a player you use a win sound without having the required level. [​name] represents the “Key” for the win sound in the winsounds.yml.
    • sw.taunt.[​name]: Allows a player you use a taunt without having the required level. [​name] represents the “Key” for the taunt in the taunts.yml.

swr_elo - ELO of the player
swr_wins - The game wins of the player
swr_losses - The number of games a player lost
swr_kills - The total kill count of a player
swr_deaths - The number of times a player has died
swr_xp - The XP amount of a player
swr_level - The XP level of a player
swr_games_played - The number of games a player has played
swr_kill_death - Kills divided by deaths of a player
swr_win_loss - Wins divided by losses of a player

1: Create an arena using "/swm create <name>".
2: Set the teamsize to 2 or higher using "/swm teamsize <name> <2+>".
3: If you have separated cages enabled, set a cage for each team member using "/swm spawn player <teamNumber>". Performing this 2 times will add 2 spawns to the target team.
4: Set the waiting lobby spawn using "/swm spawn lobby".
5: Set all other stuff you might want to change, add chests etc.
6: Save and register the map.
7: Create a join sign and join the game (preferred with 2+ players).

  • sw quit: Quits from the current game
  • sw join: Join a SkyWars match
  • sw spectate [​playername/mapname]: Spectates the game that the player is in or the map.
  • sw stats [​playername]: Shows a players stats
  • sw top [​stat]: Displays SkyWars leaderboard for the selected stat
  • sw options: Opens the options selection menu.
  • sw winsound: Opens the win sound selection menu.
  • sw killsound: Opens the kill sound selection menu.
  • sw glass: Opens the glass color selection menu.
  • sw taunt: Opens the taunt selection menu.
  • sw particle: Opens the particle effect selection menu.
  • sw projectile: Opens the projectile effect selection menu.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

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