Minecraft Mods

☞ SimpleNether! [bukkit] [UPDATED!]

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fillpant's Avatar fillpant
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
WARNIGN!!!!!!The first release was unstable! as a result of that, whenever a player takes damage he is teleported to nether or the specifyed world! this bug usualy comes up after 20 mins of use! If you expirienced this bug PLEASE PROCEED AND DOWNLOAD THE NEW RELEASE this bug is now fixed. Sorry for the trouble. Fixed!

Simple nether is a plugin ment to add more fun for your players, save you some trouble and fix "out of world fall". The main purpose of this plugin was a PMC member who had that as a idea:
Stopable1's post
stopable1I think a great plugin or even mod would be were you enter the nether from finding a gap in the bedrock were the nethers under the bedrock
Well here it is!
➽ When a player fells out of the world and if he has no permission sn.bypass then he will be teleported to nether
➽ If the place he spawns has unstable ground, a glass floor is spawned
➽ Customisable teleportation message
➽ Light weigh
➽ Color code support
➽ No damage taken onout of world fall or on spawn in nether

Why do i need it?
 No more trouble with mistakenly placed wholes that kill players when they fell out of world
➔ People keep their stuff among teleportation
➔ You can disable portals that spawn randomly on nether and use this plugin, it teleports in worlds spawn location.
➔ Its realy simple and light weight
➔ To make your server look different from others
➔ Probably to make a minigame with a hole where players have to fing the hole to fo to nether
➔ For advernture maps
➔ Ect.

➙falling items wont be teleported yet
➙ the name of the nether world MUST be world_nether

Make configurable world of teleportation
➪ Add item teleportation <---- Probably not going to happend, there are 2 ways of making it, and 1 is unsafe and 2 is realy slow...
Add config reload command
➪ Add bypass permission

How can i support?
☛At first just report any bugs you may find And/or let me know your ideas and what else i can add.
☛Also you can ether Comment, Favorite, Diamond or subscribe to show your intrest! :-)

Development Stage: Beta Stable

Build: Stable 2.7
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by fillpant 05/03/2014 6:02:29 pmMay 3rd, 2014

miss spelling corrections :S
option to chose if glass platform is built under player when he spawns..
minor performance enchantments.

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Ambassador Pineapple
05/10/2014 2:34 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
Make a plugin called FreeForAll. I made a blog post about it: FreeForAll .
05/03/2014 3:32 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Need ideas people! Please post some im... drained....
Ambassador Pineapple
05/10/2014 11:13 am
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
Make it send you to the End if you fall through the Nether!
05/10/2014 1:29 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
This feature already exist... 
:D but thanks, check out my latest mod wich is simplegui I need ideas there too...
Ambassador Pineapple
05/10/2014 2:32 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
Where is it on this post? I don't see it.
05/10/2014 3:24 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Ambassador Pineapple
05/10/2014 3:38 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
That doesn't help...
04/21/2014 6:06 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
I thought you will like the new update-s!!! :::"((((
Please! leave some commend i have no idea what to do next!
04/19/2014 6:22 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Yay new stabe build is available. i am done testing ram leaks ect. a 128 mb server with this plugin only on it survived for 8 days with me playing on it 5-7 hours a day, no reload. :D
04/17/2014 6:31 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
People sorry for the bug, it was a wrong use of a bracket on the code... 
Download the new one to fix the issue
Ambassador Pineapple
04/15/2014 9:13 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
Hey Fillpant, about Payload race, you can scrap that idea. I think a plugin called Free4all would be better. It would allow you to designate an area for fighting, and spawnpoints in the area for the players. It would also keep score of which player had the most kills.
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