Minecraft Mods


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LosJustos's Avatar LosJustos
Level 29 : Expert Taco
SimpleMultiFarm Minecraft Mod

What's this mod about?

This client mod improves your production of farm goods, in both single player and multiplayer.

  • It can be activated by pressing a custom key
  • It colors all sheeps around you using the dye in your hand
  • It shears all sheeps around you using the shears in your hand
  • It feeds all animals around you using the food in your hand
  • It let you dig all dirtblocks around you with one click
  • It plants all kind of seeds around you
  • It plants netherwart around you


Spoiler - German review by LeKoppa
Spoiler - English review by JSQ- Epic Minecraft

How to install the mod?

1. Make sure Forge is installed
2. Put the jar in your mods folder
3. Run the game!
4. Profit!

How to use the mod?

1. Customize the key to activate multifarm
2. Activate or deactivate the humanizer, you decide. Also customize the strength of the humanizer.
3. Take the item you want to use in your mainhand and press your key!
4. See the magic happen!

Spoiler - Where can i find the config?
SimpleMultiFarm Minecraft Mod

Hmm, what can i do with this mod?

First of all you can shear all sheeps around you. Just take shears in your hand and press the activationkey.
That's really awesome if you got a huge woolfarm.

Convert all dirtblocks around you into farmland by holding a hoe in your mainhand and pressing the activationkey. This could cause some servers to kick you! Therefore this mod implements an humanizer. Use it, if you get kicked because of to many actions in short time.

Plant all kind of seeds into farmland. You
can hold carrots, potatoes, seeds, pumpkin seeds, beetroot seeds and
melonseeds in your hand while pressing the activationkey. The humanizer
will be used here too.

If you got soulsand around you and nether wart in your hand, the activationkey will place the wart onto the soulsandblocks.

You can feed all animals around you. Just take an item from the list below and press the activationkey.
Spoiler - click to reveal

SimpleMultiFarm Minecraft Mod
Notice: Llama isnt supported jet, cause this mod is only for 1.10 right now. Will be added with version 1.11.

Here we go! Have fun using this mod :)

Watch out my other SimpleMod:
SimpleAutoSwitch - Planetminecraft
SimpleAutoSwtich - Curse
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.10

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08/12/2017 5:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
omg25's Avatar

Support for 1.12.1 please
11/05/2016 2:09 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
MrJSQ's Avatar
Check out my mod showcase on this mod! :D

10/22/2016 7:55 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Craftable_'s Avatar
How do I use the humanizer? I can use j but I don't know where to find it.
10/22/2016 8:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
LosJustos's Avatar
Just open your menu, by pressing "ESC". (The same menu where " exit game" etc is) Now you can klick onto "mods" and then onto "SimpleMultiFarm". The " Config"-button will open the menu for my mod. Dont forget to press "Done" after doing your changes.
I hope i could help you :)
10/19/2016 7:06 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
I like the concept.
10/18/2016 1:12 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Steve
Sunblademaster's Avatar
Lovely: You "multifarm"-ed my gem! :O ;)
10/18/2016 1:33 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
LosJustos's Avatar
10/17/2016 8:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Skinner
i4sheep's Avatar
Not a bad idea at all, nice job!
10/18/2016 12:58 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
LosJustos's Avatar
Thanks :)
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