Minecraft Mods

Simple MOTD

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CrestFallen's Avatar CrestFallen
Level 20 : Expert Explorer

Simple MOTD

Do you have a server that you think could use a bit of jazzing up?  Then this plugin is for you as this plugin will allow an admin to add a message of the day in the server list, allow the admin to add a join title message and even have a message in the tab bar at the top.  

Of course this plugin is fully editable in the config and in the game.


  • /set - This allows the Admin to set the message that will be sent, this does support color codes Found Here
    • motd <msg>
    • tabtop <msg>
    • tabbottom <msg>
    • titletop <msg>
    • titlebottom  <msg>

  • /toggle - This allows an Admin to toggle what part of the plugin works.
    • motd
    • tab
    • title

  • /check - This allows any user to check what is enabled.


  • motd.set
  • motd.toggle


If you need help with this plugin then please ask in the comments downbelow and i will get back to you as soon as i can.

If you are using this plugin on your server then please do post your server in the comments and i will add it to the servers using this plugin thanks

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Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

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