Minecraft Mods

Silent Shroud

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Wedge_Guy's Avatar Wedge_Guy
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
Embark on a shadowy adventure with the Silent Shroud mod, a transformative addition to Minecraft that introduces a nuanced world of stealth, deadly daggers, and tactical tools. Navigate the blocky landscapes with newfound secrecy and unleash silent strikes on unsuspecting foes.

Key Features:

  1. Monster Disguises:
    • Craft monster heads to create disguises that grant undetection from specific monster types. Wear a creeper head to move silently among creepers, strategically navigating the terrain without fear of detection.

  2. Backswing Mechanic:
    • Employ the backswing mechanic with every weapon, but master it with specialized daggers for maximum damage. Execute silent and deadly strikes from behind, gaining a significant advantage in combat. Daggers amplify the potency of the backswing for those who prefer the art of precision.

  3. Dagger Arsenal:
    • Discover a variety of daggers, each with unique abilities. Experiment with different types to find the perfect balance between speed and damage. Daggers excel at delivering swift, silent, and lethal strikes, making them the weapon of choice for those who embrace the stealthy gameplay.

  4. Invisibility Clock:
    • Craft the Invisibility Clock and press Z to temporarily vanish from sight. This strategic tool allows players to bypass enemies, set up ambushes, and navigate hostile territories undetected. Choose the right moments to activate the clock and disappear into the shadows.

  5. Flare-Shooter:
    • Equip the versatile flare-shooter to launch fireworks at enemies. These dazzling displays distract all monster types, creating opportunities for stealthy maneuvers or escapes. Unleash chaos among your foes and exploit their diverted attention to your advantage.

Monster Disguises

Monsters discover your identity and call for help if you collide
r hit them. The "call for help" range is greatly decreased if you use a dagger

Here are the various disguises you can use

Silent Shroud Minecraft Mod
Silent Shroud Minecraft Mod
Silent Shroud Minecraft Mod
Wither Skeletons

(The crafting can be executed with Charcoal.)


(works with witches, pillagers, vindicators, evokers, ravagers and vexes.)

Backswing Mechanic:

Hitting a backswing without any weapons do 3 more damages.
Hitting a backswing with any weapons (axes, swords and the trident) does 6 more damage
Hitting a backswing with a dagger will do 14 to 25 more damages depending on the dagger

Dagger Arsenal

There are 5 different type of dagger

The Classic Dagger

(29 damages on a backswing)

The Escape Dagger

(19 damages but a 15 secondes speedboost and invisibility on a backswing)

The Haste Dagger

(17 damages on a backswing but faster swinging speed and base damage)

The Health Stealer

(21 damages and slower swinging speed, but regain full health on a backswing)

The Stun Dagger

(19 damages on a backswing but stun nerby enemies for 5 secondes)

Invisibility Clock:

Crafting recipe:

Hold Z to become invisible, regain the durability by holding the item in your hand for a short period of time.

The Flare Shooter:

Crafting recipe :

Shoot enemies to put them on fire, but be aware of the splash damage that can damage yourself.
Put a fire work at the first slot of your inventory to be able to charge the flare shooter.
Shooting a firework at the ground will make monsters follow the explosion. Use that at your advantage to secure a backswing.

Do not hesitate to share your feedback and glitches about the mod.

Progress15% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.4

1 Update Logs

Update 1.1 : by Wedge_Guy 12/16/2023 7:00:00 pmDec 16th, 2023

-Added the alarm block: The alarm block glows when activated by redstone and emits a loud noise, highlighting the closest entity.

-Added the bank and key mechanics: By punching your bank with the designated key, the bank locks, requiring the key for subsequent openings. Right-clicking with the key is the only way to unlock it.

-Added the Pillager's Fortress: This fortress is guarded by alarm blocks and pillagers, making infiltration challenging. Within the fortress, a bank is concealed, accessible only with a specific key. The key has a 15% chance of dropping when defeating pillagers inside the fortress.

The recipes :

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11/26/2023 12:58 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter
Wedge_Guy's Avatar
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