Minecraft Mods

Server Logs [1.9.x-1.13]

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LukeSky5000's Avatar LukeSky5000
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
With some simple configurations, this plugin will log all chat and commands to an SQL database except for those who are listed in the config String[] called ignoreList. If you have any questions please pm me or comment. I will do my best to try to explain how to set the plugin up below:

To setup the plugin, download the zip file and extract the files in it. Put the ServerLogs.jar and the Server logs folder (with the config file in it) in the plugins folder of the server.
The first line in the config file is "ignoreList:" this is a list of usernames that will not be logged by the plugin and are separated by commas.
Then, fill in the sqlUsername, sqlPassword, sqlDatabaseHost, sqlDatabaseName and sqlPort in the config file; replacing what is already there with the ones for your SQL database.

The Setup for the SQL database is shown in the pictures above (with the varchars).


Permission: sl.query or OP

Format: /Query <Query>

This command will search the SQL database for the player, time, message, command etc that is specified

Permission: OP

Format: /AddLog <player> <type> <message>

Adds a log to the database for the player/username <player> with the type <type> (eg. COMMAND or CHAT) and the message/command <message>. In order to prevent abuse, ServerLogs will leave a database entry with the type WATERMARK of the user executing this command even if they are on the list to not be logged.

Sorry for the short description, I was having issues posting things on pmc.

If someone could please make a video tutorial of setting this mod up, It would be much appreciated!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.13

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by LukeSky5000 07/21/2018 4:11:43 pmJul 21st, 2018

Updated / Verified working on 1.13 (1.13 prerelease 7 for spigot)

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05/15/2018 7:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wesa1010's Avatar
05/14/2018 12:26 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
Scott's Avatar
Why does this use usernames over UUID's? What happens if someone changes their name?
05/14/2018 10:39 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
LukeSky5000's Avatar
I believe the main reason that I made it like this was because usernames are much easier to search by and there are many websites that track username history (and with the timestamps, you could determine who the sender was). However, now that you bring this up, I'm tempted to add a field for this (especially as it shouldn't take too long). And I can try to do it (and post it) by this weekend unless you need it for a server sooner ;)
05/15/2018 12:28 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
Scott's Avatar
No its fine haha, I'm a developer myself, I don't really play Minecraft anymore, but occasionally visit this site. The best way that I can recommend storing it is as follows:

User Table
ID | UUID | LastKnownUsername
0 | blah | Scott

Then, when the user joins with that UUID, you check if their username has updated, and change it in that table.

ServerLog Table
...action, etc, etc. But instead of username, store the *ID* that is auto-generated as the primary key from the other table. This is a good idea because
- If they change their username, or any data, this value is not changed
- Computers count faster from 0 onward, instead of indexing through a String.
11/26/2017 1:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GoldenSlayz's Avatar
Please dont download this it does not work its just a .jar file that does nothing!!
12/03/2017 2:15 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
LukeSky5000's Avatar
As with the way plugins work, you cannot run the jar file as a standard application would such as minecraft. For them, you have to put them into the plugins folder for a bucket or spigot server and unless there is an issue that I am unaware of, there should be no issue with this, or any or my plugins. If you encounter an error, please let me know and if you provide a stacktrace I can try to fix it.
06/04/2017 9:16 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
LukeSky5000's Avatar
If someone could make a good video that describes how to configure this plugin as I was unable to add a good description of it in my post, It would be greatly appreciated and added to the mod post.
05/03/2017 8:59 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist
Yeeters_'s Avatar
06/04/2017 9:12 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
LukeSky5000's Avatar
Thanks for the support!
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