Minecraft Mods

Schematify Plugin - Import Schematics into your world seamlessly

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AstramMC's Avatar AstramMC
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
Ever Wanted to import a schematic to your Bukkit server?

Now it is easier than ever to import a schematic from PlanetMinecraft to your own server!

  • Importing Schematics to your Bukkit server while running, without stopping or reloading anything.
  • PlanetMinecraft integration, just provide the link and it'll upload it to the server.
  • Easy installation process.
  • No client mods required at all.
  • Only plugin avaibile to do this!
  • Lightweight plugin, won't cause any slowness to your server!

Upcoming Features:
  • Allow players to purchase schematics with a price per block. Prices are included in the config.

  • NPC to come and build the house manually over time if the player purchases it.
  • Less lag when using /schem!
  • Economy support for purchasing schematics.

Use /schem <URL> to spawn in a schematic at your location!
The URL field is a link to a PlanetMinecraft post, or a direct link to a download for a schematic such as Dropbox or if you right click the download button and press copy adress (doesn't work for PMC). Lets say I wanted to put a schematic in from this link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/hillside-manor/. I would simply do the command: /schem http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/hillside-manor/, it's as easy as that!

However, WorldEdit is a required dependency plugin for this, and without it this plugin will serve no use. You can download WorldEdit from this page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/

Note, make sure that the player using the command has the permission: "schematify.use" or is an OP.

Open the ZIP file in the download section of this page using WinRAR or any other unzipping program. Then extract the files into your server's plugins folder. If your server doesn't have a plugins folder then make sure you're running Bukkit, or have ran Bukkit at least once for the plugins directory to generate. Follow the same steps for the WorldEdit plugin that I have linked above in the Usage category. Then the plugin will be up and running, just fine!
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

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03/30/2014 11:42 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Musician
Citrus's Avatar
Very nice idea! Wish I could try it out and see if it works.
03/29/2014 8:48 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
NothingNew's Avatar
I'm just going to tell you this now that you have used someone elses build in your banner to advertise your own product when this is technically plagiarism of his work. It's not your intellectual property for use in advertising purposes nor have you given any credit to the original here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/avebury-manor/ Unless you have permission from the owner, CarlosTheCow to use that render for your own purposes the banner is plagiarism and should be changed or removed. Im not sure if you knew this as it is a builders concept, but I'm just warning you that this is technically wrong.
03/30/2014 5:39 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
AstramMC's Avatar
He allowed me, I asked him. I also know him in real life. But could you please message me instead of making me look bad?
03/26/2014 9:56 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Modder
xAstraah's Avatar
Only plugin avaiable to do this eh? Well their happens to be a world edit command called //schem and it seems to work just as well :)
03/26/2014 8:00 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
AstramMC's Avatar
Yes, it is the only plugin to do this. //schem using WorldEdit will use the schematic from your server files. /schem using my plugin will download it from the internet. It doesn't work the same, at all really.
03/24/2014 10:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
Jose76Tron's Avatar
OMG very good
03/25/2014 12:09 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
AstramMC's Avatar
Thank you so much! :)
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