Minecraft Mods

Rito Origin

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BombJma's Avatar BombJma
Level 46 : Master Loremaster
Rito Origin

(first origin, requires origins mod & extra key binds mod)

Description: A race from the great sea of Wind Waker has ended up inside of the famous blocky game, and you still have some features from your previous game.

Tailwind: You are a little bit quicker on foot than others.
Winged: You have elytra wings without needing to equip any.
Ravioli's Gale: You can launch yourself into the air pretty high using your primary ability, but you can only use it on the ground.
Sprinter: You gain incredible speed at the cost of having to take a quick breather afterwards by using your secondary ability.
Mailbag: Since you are a Rito Mail-person, you carry a mailbag with you, and you can open it by using your ternary ability.
Wing Glide: You can toggle a glide using your quaternary ability

Fresh Air: When sleeping, your bed needs to be at an altitude of at least 86 blocks, so you can breathe fresh air.
Claustrophobia: being somewhere with a low ceiling for too long will weaken you and make you slower.
Vegetarian: You can't digest any meat.
CreditSome people on the Origins discord for the help on making it the way it is
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16

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11/18/2022 4:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
atalia's Avatar
OMG THE RITO!!! im currently making a modpack and they would be the perfect npc to have!!!
02/26/2023 8:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ZCapIg's Avatar
It’s not an npc, it’s like a new being you can be
02/16/2022 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4044601G's Avatar
Will there be a 1.18.1 version of this?
02/19/2022 12:42 am
Level 46 : Master Loremaster
BombJma's Avatar
I'm going to be revising these older origins and changing up a few things since I've widened my knowledge of origin making, so to answer your question, yes; just it might take me a bit.
06/28/2021 6:33 pm
Level 46 : Master Loremaster
BombJma's Avatar
Don't forget that this requires Fabric to be installed as well as fabric API, the Origins mod, and the Origins Extra keybinds mods.

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